Joplin, Missouri: The Rebuilding the second documentary in this series describes what happened in the weeks after the tornado. Some of the stories detail when the Kansas City Chief's visited, Hassl...
A highly entertaining and delightful read... allows the reader to indulge their imagination... how I enjoyed the era, the places and the fascinating characters... Rod Sweatmen, who started life in ...
Examining nearly 60 mass shootings that have occurred in the United States since 1982, this book focuses on the actions taken and decisions made by those who survived these horrific attacks. Armed ...
Born in South Baltimore City in March of 1942, my mother moved my two sisters and me to a new housing development for military families in Baltimore County when I was three. My youthful years we...
Uthman ibn Affan was the third of Prophet Muhammadís successors. He was known as the leader of the faithful and ruled for approximately 12 years. The first six years were times of relative tranq...
Advanced Tips & Strategy Guide. This is the most comprehensive and only detailed guide you will find online. Available for instant download on your mobile phone, eBook dev...
Forget Worries Now Enjoy Life Be Happy What do we think about the Good and Happy Living? The feeling of happiness or sadness is within us. It is said that happiness is purely our own matter. Though...
Esta edicion revisada del libro original es una estupenda fuente para padres y profesionales que quieran entender mejor como se puede aplicar AIT a personas con trastornos de aprendizaje y de co...
Has your office or your home become a clutter haven? Are your closets a mess? If you answered yes this book is a must for you. You will find practical ideas to get your home or office back in control.
As you go through life, you will undoubtedly encounter crises that will leave you broken and wounded. These could be wounds from a shattered marriage, from a failed business partnership, or even fr...
The Book "52 Inspiring Quotes ("") for Our Mind" is the first e-book to be self-published by the author through Prowess Publishing, Chennai. There are in all 52 Inspiring Quotes in this book. The i...
Code Blue x2 is a heart wrenching eye-witnessed story of how Pastor Pleasant's lovely wife coded twice only to be restored by the Power of God. It is a must read book. Warning: Do not read this boo...
Blue Collar Resumes, Third Edition will help you discover, organize, and market your skills and abilities to employers with impact and clarity. Using real-life examples and the latest strategies us...
As most divorced couples know -- with kids in the mix -- it is very difficult to have a positive influence on a child particularly when dad lives out of state -- far removed from the rigors of the ...
Prophet Nuh ibn Lamech ibn Methuselah known as Prophet Noah in the Old Testament, is recognized in Islam as a prophet and apostle of Allah SWT (God). He is a highly important figure in Islamic trad...
A Girl That Had To Be Strong is a rollercoaster and adventurous journey of Advika who struggled her birth. She is unaware of her connection with Lord Ganesha and who is a girl with a different pers...
In common folklore, angels or malaikah are thought of as good forces of nature, hologram images, or illusions. Western iconography sometimes depicts angels as fat cherubic babies or handsome young ...
Learn your Accounting basics Step by step guide to master the basics in Accounting. Colourful illustrations make Accounting come alive. Basics explained in colorful and understandable steps. Valuab...
This book contains material that will educate men and women on how to interact with each other through understanding and communicating. It provides insights on relationships and how to deal with th...
The religion of Islam is a holistic way of life. It is not separated into physical, emotional and spiritual areas; rather it teaches that all aspects of life combine to fulfil one purpose. What is ...
I'm 30, Now What?! is a discovery through the perception of women born between 1977 - 1987. At the time of writing this book, we are in our thirties. There is something about our generation that ne...
How often do you feel restricted; physically, socially, mentally or financially? Are you aware of your limitations? How often is time or lack of experience the cause of anxious procrastination; wai...
We want it all as modern women today, don't we? And more than ever we can have it all: success, a rewarding career, family, relationships, a social life. Perhaps you already do have it all… ...
I'm busy, you're busy... we are all busy! The busyness phenomenon in today's society is all consuming, and tricks us into believing that multitasking is an efficient way to get things done. In real...
I remember coming to Earth. I know this sounds crazy, but I do remember and I cannot deny it! I've never met anyone else who remembers coming to Earth, until a few years ago, when I came across a b...
Do you struggle to wake up before the sun rises? Do you roll out of bed and rush through your day? Do you allow things to just happen to you? Are you finding it difficult to find a clear purpose in...
Inner Winner: Finding The Gold That Lies Within, is a story about living in a fear-based consciousness that can be summed up by the statement, not feeling good enough, and lacking the true self-est...
Mom's Story; A Child Learns About MS tells the story of a young girl who sees her mother with some frightening health problems and learns she has MS but she will not die from it. This book is a com...
*UNOFFICIAL GUIDE* Are you looking to download and install the game? Do you often find it difficult to beat certain parts? Would you like to play like a PRO? Would you like to get tons of resources...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Explores the fascinating world of coding. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sidebars, ...The complete biography of Prophet Jesus (Pbuh) or Isa from islamic perspective based from The Holy Quran & Al-Hadits.In Islam faith, Prophet Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary?), or Prophet Jes...
A year has passed since the Second Great Fleet Biplane Excursion and now Phill Bragg attempts to fly his trusty Fleet Finch to a venerable grassroots gathering of antique and classic airplanes on a...
The Last 18 is a story of a mother and her two sons, and the bonds between a family that cannot be broken, no matter the ailment. It explores the question: What would you do if you had two months l...
A powerful autobiographical story of the author's childhood and her home town Bitola, Macedonia in the period before and during the Second World War
Bruce Nelson grew up in a small black community where he pitched watermelons, picked cotton, swam in the neighborhood canals, and attended the segregated Booker T. Washington School, in Mesa, AZ. T...
The historical development of the human species has impacted our world with numerous changes, which have altered natural ecological formats beyond what could have been perceived during ancient huma...
Literature affects our world in many ways, historically dating far back in human history. Before the written word, an assigned orator told stories and ancient cave drawing depicted narratives using...
This book – "Disaster Management in India: Challenges and Strategies" - provides a practical and realistic understanding of the evolving status of disaster management in India. The book discusses t...
Elihu Beard's Diary of 1849 represents a very personal view of America during its greatest period of transition and conflict. This remarkable young student of a Quaker family shares his thoughtful ...
An intelligent voice. An illuminating book. Sanelli is unsparing as she explores the subject of friendship in the lives of women. This is a book of self-discovery ... dauntless, smart, funny, beaut...
Literary Nonfiction. Nature. Travel. In May of 2007, noted American poet and novelist and son of Holocaust refugees Michael Blumenthal went to South Africa to volunteer at C.A.R.E., a rehabilitatio...
Literary Nonfiction. Memoir. LGBT Studies. THE END OF THE SHERRY recounts what happens to a young American who finds himself abandoned in southern Spain in 1965 with a dog and a dubious car, who st...
Your Parents are Cool, makes a humorous, relevant, and realistic comparison between life pre and post baby. The book is narrated by parents reflecting on the good old days. The parties, restaurants...
*UNOFFICIAL GUIDE* Are you looking to download and install the game? Do you often find it difficult to beat certain parts? Would you like to play like a PRO? Would you like to get tons of resources...
The world is experiencing an unprecedented refugee crisis as millions of people are forced from their homes and involuntarily displaced due to conflict, war, and poverty. In particular, there are a...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the feeling of joy. Students will develop word recognition ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Jack and Ella come across a friendly--and talented!--lion ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Norbert is a pig with a dream. It doesn't matter if the other farm animals snicker behind his b...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines how and why we plant gardens in spring. Students will devel...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Night 1 / My life is perfect. / I have a bowl full of seeds, a cozy pile of wood shavings, and ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Ozzie loves to draw. Ozzie loves drawing and being an ar...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
At Seabreezy Library, things were just right. / Booklovers were cozy. The sky was blue-bright /...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Have you seen an otter at play in the water? It's long and it's trim and it knows how to swim. ...A Passionate Engagement is both a love story and a story of political activism. In this remarkable memoir, Ken Harvey (award-winning author of If You Were With Me Everything Would Be All Right) rev...
Cultural Writing. Psychology. LISTENING TO THE RHINO uses stories, myths, and case studies to show the living reality of something deep in the psyche that resembles a large, primordial animal, a cr...
Chas Mayhead was one of the millions of young British lads of the '30s who went into the military happily, hoping for an escape from his working class neighborhood. Chas was assigned to the Middle ...
Speak to the Mountain: The Tommie Waites Story is a special book about a unique woman, Tommie Waites, who started from dire poverty in the Ark-La-Tex region of the country and overcame one powerful...
Literary Nonfiction. In this warm and humorous memoir, the boy you meet is irrepressible, devilish, curious, rambunctious, imaginative, sports-minded, friendly, naive, and absolutely joyful--defini...
While millions of people readily associate the trilogy of Helicopter-Rescue-Coast Guard, few are aware of the symbiotic relationship between the smallest of the armed services, the genial genius Ig...
It is the story of a Young Adult who goes to abroad to study his Masters after completing his Engineering in India. He is from lower middleclass family living in very small village in Western part ...
Ateet means past and Ujala means devine light, which comes from our ancestors blessing like grandparents, mother and father. One should always respect our teacher, mother and father to get success ...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Kids are in for Jurassic-sized laughs as they follow a boy in his quest to bring a pterodactyl ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Once upon a time there was a boy who presented a well-thought out proposal for his teacher, Ms....Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Mrs. Hartwell is preparing her class to take the Big Test. Knowing they have studied and are we...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A scrambled mess . . .Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
What do you do if you find yourself stranded at sea? This useful nonfiction book gives readers ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Using their hands, feet, and determination, rock climbers defy gravity and conquer amazing challeng...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Step inside a studio and learn what it takes to be an artist! This nonfiction title engages rea...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Learn about outer space exploration, from the Hubble telescope to the latest space shuttle laun...Winner of the 2018 IPPY Bronze Medal Award, Canning Full Circle breaks the mold of traditional canning cookbooks. Others fall short, giving only the canning process, failing to demonstrate what to ...
Eshe's la etíope de cocinar parte por Nancy Hahn es una deliciosamente divertido romp con el Eshe's el Etíope elefante y sus amigos mientras aprenden a cocinar etíope. Este libro de la tradición et...
El libro de niños de Nancy Hahn "Un Muchacho Perdido", diciendo la historia de la vida de Bol Malual. Es el primer libro de niños para dirigirse a la historia de los Muchachos Perdidos de Sudán.
You've Got This, Mama: A Mother's Guide To Embracing The Chaos And Living An Empowered Life is a beautiful collection of heartwarming and inspiring stories told by the real mamas who experienced th...
Help baby learn Christmas-related words with this adorably-illustrated book. Black and white art and bursts of color will capture baby's attention with large, simple pictures that encourage learnin...
Mientras llega la noche, la mamá y su bebé comparten momentos preciosos, desde la hora del baño hasta la hora de dormir. Los niños estarán encontados con este cuento tierno con ilustraciones dulces...
Help baby learn holiday-related words with this adorably-illustrated book. Black and white art and bursts of color will capture baby's attention with large, simple pictures that encourage learning....
Far From Simple: Life After Being "Not Your Average Teen" written by 20 year old Canadian author, Brittany Krystantos, recalls the ever-so common high school struggles with self identity, friendshi...
Children will explore fun facts about different barnyard animals and learn the name of each animal baby with this colorful book featuring real photographs and sounds. Studies show that young learne...
Children will explore rescue vehicles including a fire truck, ambulance, police car, helicopter, and more with this colorful book featuring real photographs and sounds. Studies show that young lear...
Los niños exploraran vehículos del rescate incluyendo un camión de bomberos, ambulancia, coche de policía, helicóptero, y mas con este colorante libro que ofrece fotografías reales. Estudios revela...
Los niños exploraran las maquinas monstruo incluyendo la excavadora, el tractor, aparejo grande, camión monstruo y mas con este libro colorido que ofrece fotografías reales. Estudios revelan que a ...
Ayuda al bebé a aprender palabras relacionadas con el invierno con este libro ilustrado adorablemente. Arte en blanco y negro con toques de color capturaran la atención del bebé con simples ilustra...
Ayuda al bebé a aprender palabras relacionadas con las festividades con este libro ilustrado adorablemente. Arte en blanco y negro con toques de color capturaran la atención del bebé con simples il...
¡Los niños aprenderán acerca de todas las diferentes máquinas que los agricultores utilizan cada día! "Camiones, tractores, montacargas, y excavadoras también, Me gusta cualquiera máquina enorme. ¿...
Publicado por primera vez en 1823, Era La Noche Antes de Navidad, escrito por Clement Clarke Moore ha deleitado a los niños y a las familias durante generaciones. Este nostálgico, poema de rima des...
"What Lies Within," a riches to rags to reality memoir of the author's early life, evokes memories of a kinder, gentler time in America--the fifties. It takes us into the turbulent sixties when fam...
Bustling. Traditional. Friendly. Welcome to Japan! In this bright, exciting book, young readers will travel to this amazing country without ever leaving their homes or classrooms. During their jour...
Podcasting is in a nutshell is a way for you to share your experience, knowledge and stories to gain authority with a new audience. But, there are tricks, tips and secrets to make your podcasting m...
My name is Heather Havenwood and I am a Sexy Boss. I wasn't always a Sexy Boss, however... After being spit out by the corporate world and growing tired of sales jobs that paid well but left me emp...
The book, "Before We Become Too to DREAM" is a collection of 200 pages of Vincent Randazzo's eighty- five-year journey from street kid to successful husband, father, businessman, philosopher and hi...
Sleep is a very active state. Sleep is important to a number of brain functions and important to maintain the functioning of neurons including how nerve cells communicate with each other. In fact, ...
Dancing Alone: Learning to Live Again is for all who grieve and want to experience healing of the suffering experienced from a devastating loss. I wrote Dancing Alone while I grieved to connect wit...
The Embassy Cruising Guide Chesapeake Bay to Florida is a must for recreational boaters traveling the waters of Delaware Bay, Chesapeake Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway from Norfolk, VA to the Fl...
When Marc Ashton was kidnapped, thoughts of his famous father, Horace Dade Ashton, filled his mind. The elder Ashton became a founding member of the Explorers Club, and showed his passion for adven...
The Royal Artillery played an absolutely vital, though often forgotten, part in the British armed forces' successful operation to recapture the Falkland Islands in 1982. The actions of the artiller...
The Anglo-Zulu War lasted only six months in 1879, but in that relatively short time twenty-three men were awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry under most trying and dangerous circumstances. Zu...
Britain was rapidly emerging as the most powerful European nation, a position France long believed to be her own. Yet with France still commanding the largest continental army, Britain saw its best...
When Dr. Margaret sat down to write about her almost 24 year-old marriage, what emerged was the same number of feisty and honest thoughts about what marriage is, and what it definitely is not. Now ...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook
On the morning of April 18, 1906, a massive earthquake struck San Francisco. This book gives stu...This is a fun, informative, and totally comprehensive reference manual with quick answers to all your most pressing pregnancy questions. From straight-forward nutrition information and strategies f...
True strength, health, vitality and happiness might not depend on the next super-drug, but on very simple, economical, commonly available, and familiar foods. For the person who wants to live a lon...
Nothing compares to the taste of homegrown tomatoes picked fresh from the vine! Master gardener Jason Johns shares his love for and knowledge of growing this popular, savory fruit so that even novi...
Every nation needs a warrior to protect from enemies; in this growing digital era, criminals are updating with technology to make more Cybercrimes, then who will protect us? This book helps you to ...
Realising the paramount importance of struggle for existence and survival of the fittest, the present book aims at exploring various facets of human life and the constant endeavour to sustain in th...
This brilliant follow-up to Chef Ramses Bravo's first cookbook, Bravo!, demonstrates how a healthy, whole-foods diet can be not only delicious but also quick and easy. By adhering to the SOS-free c...
This is a down to earth, straight- shooting and humorous depiction of what fatherhood often is as well as what it could and should be! Alan Blankstein, award-winning author of Failure Is Not an Opt...
"Natural-health researcher Sorrel Davis explores whether the adrenal glands can actually become fatigued and sheds light on the potential psychological and physiological repercussions of severe and...
The scourge of plastic has poisoned our environment and damaged our health. In this timely book, Albert Bates takes a critical look at the magnitude of this ubiquitous problem, and explains that wh...
Political activist, Christel Kisongo, worked for the Paix Programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo until the disappearance of his UN colleagues, Caleb and Sara. Promoting peaceful resolution t...
This book will help an organization, team or individual leader create a solid foundation for transformation in their business or life. Through the use of a proven and easy-to-follow model, along wi...
To assist the human body regenerate, heal and feel better, one must understand "Ten Commandments To Avoid". The human body while alive each day seeks daily nutrition, repair and rest, thus to assis...
The Woodstock Story eBook brings the hard-cover version to life with the spirit of Woodstock today and with first-hand observations by Barry Z Levine, Photographer on the Academy Award Winning Docu...
ALABAMA RIVERS, A CELEBRATION AND CHALLENGE invites you to travel down rivers and through time to encounter the rich human history and natural wonders that have defined Alabama. Along the way, you ...
Boko Haram is running wild, spreading death and destruction deep in the heart of Africa. Its very name has become a national symbol for fear in Nigeria. Allied with the Islamic State, and inspired ...
In January 2006, Palestinian voters shocked the Western world by giving Hamas a majority of seats in the parliamentary elections. Stunned Westerners found it hard to imagine how the blood-soaked Is...
Hezbollah—Lebanon's "Party of Allah"—wears many faces. Founded by Muslim clerics following Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982, it is a powerful political party, a Shia Islamic religio...
The Islamic State (IS) arose from the ashes of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) in 2011. Moving with blitzkrieg-like speed, this modern-day phoenix has spread death and destruction across the Middle East and...
The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's oldest and largest Islamist organization, is the father, mother, and guiding light of several of the world's leading terrorist groups. Members of the Brotherhood (al...
Among all other countries in the West Asia, Syria was the most tranquil one. There was a civil war in its neighbouring country, Lebanon for more than fifteen years. The Palestinians with various mi...
A vertical garden can run the gamut from a simple arrangement of flowers in a large container on a deck to an elaborate display of strawberries and geraniums amid climbing peas and vines of small s...
The latest book "You Must Win" contains a similar subject of humans should get freed from the Cage of Theology or Dogmatism. My Contention is that "The Earth will be it's own when heavens are de...
Justice V R Krishna Iyer was a dynamic lawyer. He was elevated as a Judge of the Kerala High Court and served as a 'Super Judge of the Supreme Court of India'. He had also fought in the general ...
Registered dietitian Brenda Davis is an authoritative voice on the effects of a whole-foods, plant-based diet on diabetes prevention and reversal due to her work for over a decade as the lead nutri...
Michael Phelps is the greatest swimmer of all time. Some say he is the greatest athlete ever. Phelps has won more Olympic gold medals than any other athlete in history. He has more overall medals t...
At its most extreme, camping means taking to the wilderness with little more than boots and a backpack. However, you don't need to be a survivalist to take part in this outdoor adventure. Learn wha...
Mastery of casting techniques is essential in fly fishing, where a weighted line is required to cast the nearly weightless artificial fly. This book explores the different approaches to fly fishing...
Freshwater fishing is among the most versatile and accessible types of fishing. Recreational and professional fishermen alike can reel in a wide variety of fish from lakes, rivers, streams, and pon...
It's rambling in Britain and bushwalking in Australia. New Zealanders call it tramping and the Dutch go trekking. In the United States, we know it as hiking. Whatever you call it, this outdoor adve...
Coral reefs are home to thousands of living species, including some of the most vibrant plants and animals on the planet. Many reef inhabitants help each other survive. Sea anemones, for example, p...
Barren land, little rainfall, and deadly temperatures are well-known features of deserts. But did you know that many desert plants have long root systems that grow in search of water? Plants and an...
For millions of years, forests have hosted complex life forms. Trees reach toward the sun as creatures of all shapes and sizes interact with their environment. Birds nestle on sturdy branches while...
Grasslands vary around the globe and are home to many life forms, including big cats and grazing animals. These sprawling fields are found on every single continent except Antarctica. Tropical sava...
Chinchillas, pikas, and goats can all be found on mountains, climbing and scurrying around large boulders and steep slopes. Mountains not only provide homes for many living things, but they also af...
The only way to catch some fish is to go deep beyond the shoreline. Deep sea fishers enjoy the thrill of dropping their lines in the middle of the ocean, unsure of what will bite. In this title, ex...
In the middle of winter, people venture out on the frozen lakes in search of fish. After setting up their shacks, anglers drill holes through the ice and drop their lines. Some shacks are even heat...
Whitewater rafting is an extreme sport where adventurous teams paddle down rivers through rocks and dangerous water. They do all of this in inflatable rafts! Hold on tight! Readers will rapidly mak...
An insightful, inspirational and enlightening portrait of Father Edward J. Flanagan, the man who founded Boys Town and let a cultural revolution that forever changed the way children were viewed, v...
Sometimes all you need to craft a vehicle is a single sheet of paper. In this origami guide for kids, young flight enthusiasts will find easy-to-understand specs for building airplanes of all shape...
A flock of many different birds is ready to be assembled in this makerspace title. Origami outlines ensure that young crafters will not have to "wing it" when it comes to making paper birds. Along ...
In nature, extinction is an irreversible process. Animal species that die off cannot be brought back to life. This origami how-to, however, gives young dinosaur lovers the opportunity to resurrect ...
How can you raise farm animals without acres of land? This children's title has the answer, showing readers how to mountain-fold and valley-fold a cow, horse, sheep, goat, pig, chicken, and other l...
Most people would agree that handmade decorations have more charm than store-bought alternatives, so this origami book teaches kids enough paper crafts to make eight popular holidays more festive! ...
The jungle food web connects animals large and small, both predators and prey. In this beginning origami title, the animal crafts show this diversity of species well, from spider to monkey. Kids wi...
Because the ocean biome is the biggest biome in the world, it's not hard to believe that it is packed with many interesting creatures. Aspiring young paper engineers will enjoy making crafts of som...
Taking care of a pet can be a lot of work. A dog, for example, needs to be fed, walked, played with, and more. But the pets made of paper in this origami title are very little work. Young pet lover...
One evening as I was watching the sun sinking beneath the waves of the sea, I thought to myself, 'This same sun has risen and set countless times and, in that period, millions of lives have come to...
GHOST TROUT is a series of narratives and essays that chronicle the search for the rare Humboldt cutthroat trout, and rivers and streams and their relationship to people and birds and dogs and the ...
The story of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev and his brain child "Periodic Table of Chemical Elements", with all its impact and influences, would fit better within the walls of a library than between th...
Unique Thinking is one of the best personal development guides that can change the way we think by defining the ways of thinking unique and different; focused on methods and practices to attain the...
Plastics were created to last forever and that's the problem. It's estimated that by 2050, there will be more pounds of plastic in our oceans than pounds of fish. Young people will be uniquely impa...
I'm what you would call a 'challenge junkie'. Others have challenged me all my life. "Ain't no woman made it yet in this business and you won't either!" they said to me. I took that challenge and b...
Though it is a Sports base book so I finalize the name "The Sports Quiz"
"Think Different For Living Happy Life" title given to this book is appropriate as it covers many aspects of life and discusses many topics that are of greater importance in our life . By reading t...
In 1988, a side-scan sonar reading of Rock Lake, Wisconsin's underwater structures was recorded by drivers, under the direction of University of Wisconsin Professor of Civil Engineering Dr. James S...
This A-Z Accounting guide is specifically written for beginners. It is a continuation of the e-book Learning your Accounting basics. - Simple English. - User-friendly. - Concepts link together, ena...
CAUTION: Reading this book has caused readers to; laugh till almost pissing themselves, getting a little turned on, have conflicted feelings of being both appalled and jealous of the author's true-...
Redemption: A Journey from Tragedy to Triumph, An intense drama based on a true story about a young woman's journey to overcome the shame and guilt of a ruthless sexual assault. With quick thinking...
SUCCESSFUL MEN AND WOMEN SHARE THEIR INSIGHTFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE. How do you become successful in life ? The answer, was offered by people who already accomplished their goals...
This is a first hand account of inner echelons of bureaucracy by an honest, upright and compassionate officer. The book provides a peep into the working of government. It tries to reassure the work...
These collected stories from a doctor's notebook bring together the best writing of Dr. Siegfried Kra, who has published 13 books with W.W. Norton, Warner Books and McGraw Hill, among others. Like ...
FODMAPs, a broad variety of naturally occurring carbohydrates found in many plant-based foods, can wreak havoc on sensitive digestive systems, especially in people who have irritable bowel syndrome...
Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or illness, but long-term inflammation can silently turn on us, becoming a danger to our health. This guide explains how chronic inflammation d...
ORCAPEDIA presents a sobering look at the current imprisonment of a highly intelligent, socially complex, non-threatening species—orcas—by an industry strictly for profit. Many remember...
We Want Equal Rights! Is the story of remarkable women who laid the foundation for the modern women's movement and the American Indian nation that proved equality as possible. In 1850, these brave ...
Our oceans face levels of devastation previously unknown in human history--from pollution, from overfishing, and through damage to delicate aquatic ecosystems affected by global warming. Ocean biod...
The title of the book clearly indicates what the book is about, but Kashmiriyat is not only the thing in this book, from Mystery, to comedy, philosophy to drama, from romanticism to sorrow the book...
Turn Me Loose White Man is a an examination of virtually all forms of American vernacular music throughout the first 60 years of the twentieth century. It includes a 30 cd set (available separately...
Pandemics cannot be eliminated, but they can be stopped; the trick is discovering what will curtail any one particular outbreak. Renowned environmentalist and science writer Albert Bates presents a...
When an unscrupulous stock broker took Peggy Doviak's mother to the cleaners, Peggy did not just get mad—she changed careers. She became a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (TM)—vowing to ens...
Everyone knows where they were when the first case of Coronavirus in the country was announced, but not everyone knows how a virus like Coronavirus reveals so much about the historical, socio-econo...
The Entrepreneur's Identity Standard solves the psychological problem of how tech start-up entrepreneurs deal with strategic decision-making processes in their ventures based on how they see themse...
The book is about the working pattern of the constitutional governments in four major countries of the world- UK, USA, France and China. There is a justification for selecting these constitutions i...
This book is a result of our experiences in the field of Competency Management and Implementation. It does not aim to be an academic treatise. The purpose of this book is to provide those attemp...
A practical book that incorporates theory without forgetting the ground realities.
One of the many uses of this book is to get an update on the performance management processes. The cultur...
Fun in Training, Learning environment, Professional facilitators, Interacting with learners, Effective adults learning, Fun Training Programme, Learning Tools.
Redesigning Training, Succes...
Creating Your Own Rainbow, features of a Rainbow, Life Management, Successful life, focus of life, Life satisfaction, Managing by Wandering about (MBWA)
Training quote collection, Lifelong learning tips, Trainer's guide, successful training, Creative Training, positive learning culture, add value to training.
When he left Georgetown University, Victor Page was headed to the NBA with a "can't miss" label on his jersey; But Victor Page's pro career was soon blown apart. The violent streets that killed his...
The Radiology Guide is one the most concise and comprehensive guides to the field of radiology and diagnostic imaging. This illustrated guide features helpful mnemonics, bulleted teaching points, a...
To Heaven After the Storm is Ari Hallmark's account of her encounter with the heavens. During the April 2011 tornadoes in Arab, Alabama, Ari's parents', grandparents' and cousin's lives were taken,...
In the early 1900's, in a small Midwestern village, local townsfolk were terrorized by uncontrolled violence. Those responsible for law enforcement either turned in their badges or disappeared. A s...
This book offers a new approach to the vexing question of how to write the early history of Islam. The first part discusses the nature of the Muslim and non-Muslim source material for the sevent...
The title is about my Travels Through this country dealing with this Problem and the People who tell these lies on Purpose and the way people Response to lies and Gossip.
Frontiers of Knowledge is the story of unfolding developments that are revolutionizing our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. We are birthing a new era in which our ideas abo...
Memoirs and photos of Dr. Daisy M. Brooks
This book "The Global Journey of an Asian" is a story of hope, courage, determination and learning the lessons of entrepreneurial life. This book is about defining your own success, knowing where y...
A Great Place to Drink is set in a hotel-bar at the outer edges of San Francisco's North Beach in the early 1960s.
When Duncan and, later, Carolyn wander into the San Giovanni hotel-bar with ...
In an antique, open-cockpit biplane, pilot Phill Bragg and his friend, Wayland Cooke, fly across the United States during the hot summer of 2012. After enduring delays for a whole year, they finall...
Unworthiness, fear, guilt, shame; these are just a few of the emotional bandages that people carry with them. The world tells us we should deny these harmful emotions or accept them as normal, but ...
Faith is one of the most misunderstood topics; mainly because so many people have misrepresented what it means. In Joe's book, he gives the reader two spectrum on faith. The first being that God do...
The one thing the world needs is the Love of Jesus Christ. In this book Bishop Fears points us to God's love. It is because he has learned that God's love conquers all. Yet, he also realizes tha...
Imagine if you had your own PERSONAL MENTOR to help you learn to enjoy sex in your marriage bed…Rhonda Stoppe is that mentor! With her honest, fun-loving manner, and from a biblical persp...
मानसरोवर - भाग 2कुसुमखुदाई फौजदारवेश्याचमत्कारमोटर के छींटेकैदीमिस पद्माविद्रोहीकुत्सादो बैलों की कथारियासत का दीवानमुफ्त का यशबासी भात में खुदा का साझादूध का दामबालकजीवन का शापडामुल का कैदीनेउरगृह...
Water to Wine...Discovering the Wine of the Divine In All Your Circumstances is inspirational and illustrated through the wine glass of nature's glory. Nan Riddle invites the reader into hope, and ...
As taught across the state of Montana, USA this dynamic, thought-provoking introduction and overview of inflatable pontoon boating will not only cover the basics of inflatable pontoon use but wi...
Margaret Rogers grew up in a large family in a small town on the prairie, lively and free-spirited. But in high school, God called her. In 1963, she entered the convent to become Sister Zoe. And th...
Smart Networking is the system and philosophy that can help you grow your business from zero to 75 clients in just one year! Based on his successful personal experience, the author outlines his sim...
With My Game Guide you will learn exactly what you need to know in order to become an expert player and beat your opponents! This is a complete guide with everything you need to know about the game...
This book is designed as a source to help navigate getting into the often unpredictable movie business and provide freelancing knowledge needed to help stay working behind the scenes.
Thurl Bailey knows what it takes to have a "Championship Mindset". With Thurl in the driver's seat, this book takes readers on a journey that started with a dreamer, Coach Jim Valvano. Jimmy V's...
Our daily life choices determine our ability to be more calmer as well as resilient. To tackle these challenging times One has to learn various secrets in order to get through tough times. Humans u...
A curated collection of Matthew Phillips' political essays, which were originally published on"A hugely-gifted young writer who contributed to us often... As readers of this...
Many vegans desire foods they can sink their teeth into—a bite with substance that leaves them feeling satisfied. Others miss the flavor of the animal-based dishes they grew up with or that w...
Leadership skills play an important role in career developmen. Therefore, a person's leadership skills must be improved. Leadership skills are the soft skills that eventually mold you to become a g...
Therapy which can help you fighting emotional disturbances as well as mental health is called psychotherapy. Psychotherapy helps you to control your emotions by controlling the symptoms of any kind...
Water is necessary to maintain life. Without water life is impossible. You may have heard of food storage but not water storage. Wat will you do if water supplies you get becomes contaminated or da...
Coronavirus Prevention How to Keep your Immune System Strong & Reduce your Risk of Disease
Good immunity is a sign of good health. Unfortunately, due to poor lifestyle which includes eating habits, no exercise in the normal routine and many other factors, health is at stake. On the other...
It is generally assumed that a person should have lots of equipment at home to do workout at home. But that is not true, infact a person can workout at home using no equipment. If you are the one w...
Become more productive and improve your levels of success! Do you want to become more productive and want to achieve more success? Everyone wants to be more productive. However, it needs a practica...
Financial responsibility is necessary to keep your finances in balance. Keeping your finances in balance means that you should only spend amount which is less or equal to what you earn in a specifi...
Due to the new coronavirus, Working techniques are changing. Many companies are executing mandatory or voluntary homework policies. This implies majority of people are going through a particular is...
A good manager can improve the productivity of his employees which can prove beneficial for his firm too. Becoming a reliable manager needs effort. If you will be a good manager your staff will fol...
Do you keep repeating the same dysfunctional or even toxic relationship choices over and over? Do you want a better job and more material abundance in your life, but it always seems meant for other...
Mengenal Berbagai Buah Dan Tanaman Herbal Yang Berkhasiat Untuk Menghilangkan Stress Serta Depresi Plus Menjadikan Jiwa Menjadi Lebih Tenang Edisi Bilingual Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Sunda....
2020 - the world had witnessed a global pandemic of this century. Covid had disrupted so many lives. People were in-home quarantine. In this difficult time, a couple got pregnant.
Without parent...
The book on "Essentials of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology" is designed to give a comprehensive understanding of the subject, starting from the basics. This book covers the entire spectrum of nanosc...
Viktoras Kulvinskas wrote a new introduction for the re-issue of this classic on a natural and holistic, living foods lifestyle Readers will find a new paradigm in nutrition that promotes a living ...
Rock Your Life is filled with amazing stories by incredible people.Craig Duswalt asked some of his high-profile friends if they would share a success they had in their lives so that they might insp...
This "no-holds-barred" caregiver's instruction manual is designed to teach these wonderful, compassionate servants how to FIRST take care of themselves. If theydon't learn this, they will likely su...
What are our deepest, darkest emotions? How did we get them? How do we get rid of them? These emotions that hold us back in life, preventing us from achieving our personal happiness, hopes, and dre...
Managing a major remodel of your home involves learning various aspects of a construction project: permitting; hiring contractors; clarifying what you really mean and want; managing a budget; ov...
The Ivu League is group of eight long-established colleges and universities in the northeastern United States possessing high academic and social prestige. The eight institutions are Harvard Colleg...
To all the Mavericks in the world whom believe in a dream larger than themselves and continue to follow that dream regardless of sound reason and logic. To all the entrepreneurs who pursue their vi...
Isn't it time you started your weight-reduction journey today?Here's to your success for a thinner, healthier you.Thanks so much for reading Discover Your Thinner Self. One of the most rewarding th...
Did you know that even though people have been living and feeling for thousands of years, they only started labelling and categorizing emotions less than 200 years ago? Moreover, not all cultures u...
Women Who Rock 2 is another collection of stories gathered from women from all walks of life. Each author who shares her story also reveals her unique female experience. We as the readers are pulle...
Are you ready to learn how to manage your personal energy frequency for the purpose of personal and global transformation? The Art of Conscious Creation gives you the simple yet extraordinary techn...
Too many of us live with our inner voices reinforcing the feeling that we are "not good enough." Squelched is living testimony that we need not succumb to the negative messages life may serve up to...
This is where entrepreneurs like you find the insights, ideas, and tools they need to earn more, make a bigger impact, and create the freedom to live the life others only dream about. Join us each ...
What's the first thought you think when you hear the word 'money'? Leslie Juvin-Acker, Chief Happiness Officer of Leslie Inc. and career development and emotional intelligence expert declares th...
Entering medicine was not something I contemplated from the beginning. I wanted to be a scientist... until I became disillusioned with that enterprise. Currently I'm a physician executive recently ...
The Cosma Hypothesis: Implications of the Overview Effect By Frank WhiteIn 1986, Frank White was working on his groundbreaking book, The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution, when...
This book is a compilation of quotes, prayers, and thoughts from various authors, and is dedicated to nurses everywhere. These quotes are meant to bring good feelings and positive energy to your da...
On December 1, 2017, Lou Alpert woke to a CNN story featuring images of her daughter Crystal shooting up heroin in an alley, visibly pregnant and being confronted by an Albuquerquepoliceman. Within...
In Radiating Hope ~ Cancer Unplugged, Janie will lift you up and inspire you to believe in blessings and miracles. She will encourage you with her stories and songs and awaken you to your own quiet...
Presumption of Guilt analyses the genesis and aftermath of the notorious "kids for cash" scandal. Mark A. Ciavarella, Jr. was an unethical juvenile court county judge who was willing to...
Staying Bothered is a global movement that helps people find what bothers them the most, motivates them to get involved, and provides them with the tools to stay committed to create real and positi...
It's the end of an era. I have produced high-energy, content-rich RockStar Marketing BootCamps for the past twelve years. At my first BootCamp I was blessed to have approximately 250 people in the ...
You've got to understand that I receive over 60 scripts a year not to mention books and articles all about basketball. I've read almost every basketball story that's ever been brought to Hollywood'...
To all Americans, and especially the Millennials, who are passionate about social issues, dedicated to being authentic, and committed to positive change. It's important to make your voice heard. Th...
"The University of Portland acknowledges with gratitude our proud alumni, Rudy Mariman. We are especially grateful to Rudy for establishing the Rudy & Gloria First Generation Scholarship Progra...
To all the Mavericks in the world whom believe in a dream larger than themselves and continue to follow that dream regardless of sound reason and logic. To all the entrepreneurs who pursue their vi...
Is your life ruled by fear, or is love the motor of your existence? Recognize your authentic self and decide who you want to be. These questions will confront you with ways of seing your life that ...
I'm so inspired by the journeys of these incredible women, especially Ilana Goor, a brilliant artist, designer, sculptor, and my dearest friend and creative inspiration. Women carry the weight of c...
College is one of the most exciting and growth-filled times in your life. It's a time of self-discovery, an opportunity to create a successful future for yourself.College Success Habits will provid...
This book is your doorway to enter and positively change your financial life forever. Learn what banks, car dealers, loan ocers and investment sellers don't tell you about how to use money in your ...
Each of us comes from different backgrounds, cultures and family values. Once those are transplanted into a new living quarters with all the variables of living, breathing roommate, it can rock our...
Equine assisted coaching is a powerful tool for conflict resolution in Doth professional and private life. Learn the magical role of animals and nature in helping us find answers and our place in l...
This book reflects Frank Lehane's empathetic listening and his vision for each individual's ability to make the prudent decisions to thrive financially. Frank reveals blind spots and creates discov...
There really is a monster in the hallway. be careful. Your bedroom door mill open, throwing light on your face. You'll feign sleep. The door mill close behind your father, and darkness mill descend...
On the eve of the 20th century, Chinese magician Ching Ling Foo, one of the greatestillusionists ever seen on American soil, along with his talented family of musicians andacrobats overcomes deport...
In 2004, Lina Khalifeh, a young Jordanian woman with a championship background in Taekwondo, had chance encounter with a fellow college student that initiated a worldwide movement.SheFighter, the f...
DID YOU KNOW THAT school busing is America's largest transit system? According to the American School Bus Council, 26 million students ride a school bus every day. School bus drivers across the cou...
A young widow suddenly must raise three children alone—all while living with a rare blood cancer and working full-time.This situation might make any woman despair, but Sally Kalksma is not ju...
The people you are here to serve are Heroes. Their experience with you is much like The Hero's Journey. The Hero is called and ventures out into the unknown on a quest. There he/she discovers unima...
"Seven Shrinks is a masterpiece. Beautifully written with humor and humanity, it's compelling, enlightening and groundbreaking. If Sartre's Nausea was the Old Testament of depersonalization, this b...
Living beyond the boundaries of prescribed inferiority requires an attitude of audacityand a determined code of conduct. Still some African-Americans defy societal limitations, colored outside the ...
This book shares the keys to speaking up, speaking out, and finding victory through strategic visibility. The authors you'll be introduced to in these pages are taking calculated risks, making stra...
Three groundbreaking secular Jews respond with universal values to conflicts worldwide, from the Nazi Holocaust to 21 st century genocides: historian Gerda Lerner, artist Susana Wald, and global am...
Game Changers: Kwame Alexander builds critical literacy skills with this fascinating nonfiction reader designed to engage eighth grade students. Keep your students at the edge of their seats with c...
The Title of the book is "Who am I?" The book is about inner engineering, self-introspection with reference to Bhagavad Gita. One who reads this get to know about his inner self and the supreme Lor...
CAPTAIN PAUL WATSON IS NO STRANGER TO CONTROVERSY. But this particular conflict was more personal than most. His latest book is a fascinating and thought-provoking account of what happened when ant...
My Family Cookbook: Mothers Against Hunger has yummy recipes that are mouthwatering and will make you beg for more. I am the single parent of five grown kids, grandmother of 15 grandkids, great gra...
Originally published in 1997, State of Bass explores the scene's roots through its social, cultural and musical antecedents and on to its emergence via the debate that surrounded the apparent split...
In Bedroom Beats & B-sides: Instrumental Hip Hop & Electronic Music at the Turn of the Century, Laurent Fintoni details the rise of a new generation of bedroom producers at the turn of the ...
Through four decades at the pointy end of dance music and club culture, the Secret DJ has seen it all. In this hilarious, gripping, and at times extremely moving follow-up to the smash hit first bo...
The Label Machine: How to start, run and grow your own independent music label is the first book to give music artists practical step-by-step comprehensive instructions for setting up and running a...
Daft Punk's Discovery is a homage to a fascinating, troubled beast of an album that casts a huge shadow over the 21st Century. It's a global view of Discovery as a cultural phenomenon, placing the ...
Written by former DJ/producer Harold Heath, Long Relationships: My Incredible Journey From Unknown DJ to Small-time DJ is a biographical account of a DJ career defined by a deep love of music and a...
Guide to Save Your Marriage: Prevent Divorce and Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Spouse
Would you like to be able to eliminate discomfort, have less anxiety, sleep better with a clear mind, and beat depression? For the longest time, mindfulness through meditation techniques have been ...
Would you like to be able to eliminate discomfort, have less anxiety, and sleep better with a clear mind? For the longest time, mindfulness through meditation techniques have been used to treat a n...
Would you like to be able to eliminate discomfort, inflammation, reflux, depression, & pain? For the longest time, natural healing techniques have been used to treat a number of ailments such a...
Are you a new mom or dad? Are you expeting a child soon? Are you unsure of how to care for a newborn baby? If so, then this book is for you. Learn the most effective strategies to care for your bab...
Secrets the professionals use to parent their kids! With decades of tested strategies, this ebook will show you the fastest and most effective way to become the best parent you can be. You will lea...
By now, many know that MBA programs are too expensive and offer little benefit compared to the huge cost. Not only are they a waste of money, they also require a huge amount of time investment. Are...
Are you looking to get into bouldering/climbing? Would you like to learn how to climb like the pros do? If you answered yes to these questions then this book is for you. Learn how to get started as...
The complete guide to managing and healing your emotional, spritual, and psychological well being for sensitive individuals. Do you feel sapped of your energy after spending time with other people?...
Mary Albrich outlines her super effective method to clean and declutter your home and mind. Do you feel as if, no matter how many times you try you are unable to clean and remove clutter from your ...
Secrets the professionals use to train their dogs! With decades of tested strategies, this ebook will show you the fastest and most effective way to properly train your dog. You will learn how to t...
Secrets the professionals use to optimize their brains! With decades of tested strategies, this ebook will show you the fastest and most effective way to upgrade your memory. You will learn how to ...
Would you like to be able to blast through work and emails two times faster than before? Just think of the time you would save... Introducing the secrets professionals use to read faster than anyon...
In a time where most of our writing is done through computer font, artistic letter design allows us to be unique and express our own personal styles. In this book, Betty reveals the beauty of the a...
Do you enjoy crocheting or would like to learn how? Learn how to create beautiful patterns in no time at all! Whether you are on the road, at home, or anywhere else you can crochet in your spare ti...
Agatha Albright teaches you to design a stunning flower garden for all seasons. Prepare, grow, harvest, and arrange gorgeous flower arrangements to make your lawn look stunning! This guide will tea...
A Step by Step Guide on How to Can and Preserve Food. This guide will teach you: - Basics of cranning - Cranning methods - Supplies Needed - Mechanics and How to Prepare - How to Successfully Can a...
Barb Slocum shows you how simple it is to make herbal remedies using simple and readily available plants. These mixtures are safe and have been proven to cure multiple ailments saf...
Would you like to learn how to purchase and use a pressure cooker instant pot? Would you like to learn how to cook delicious recipies with little effort in no time at all? If you are in the market ...
Would you like to be able to help eliminate disease, discomfort, inflammation, pain, depression, & pain? For the longest time, ketogenic diets have been used to treat a number of ailments as we...
The ultimate reference and step by step guide to growing and cultivating marijuana. Learn and grow cannabis with easy to follow steps from start to finish. Understand and begin to grow in a matter ...
Don't bother with expensive time consuming makeovers! In this guide you will learn the most effective and low cost tips to transform you into a model! These methods are commonly used by the worlds ...
Passive Income Ideas: Opportunities, E-commerce, Earn Money Online, Stocks & Investments
A Step by Step Guide on how to get the most of your Amazon Echo device *Supports all Amazon Echo devices* If not the best feature of the Echo is the immense functionality that it has. Learn how to ...
A detailed guide teaching you how to save tons of money while still living well. This guide will help you get a hold of your spending to help save money. Just imagine that you could save money to b...
Sometimes with the passage of time people lose interest in love life. If you feel that your romantic life is boring than these secrets will help re-energize your sex life. Many of us would be able ...
Among the most significant fears which most people face is the fear of meeting strangers which lowers their self-esteem and confidence levels. Second can be speaking publicly to a crowd. Meeting st...
Sexually induced assaults leave wounds on souls and can destroy a person's mental health. It can induce traumas which stays forever in the life of the victims therefore, it needs to delt to save me...
A detailed healthy guide to understanding and eliminating body fat naturally in 25 days or less. This guide will help you how to harness your bodys natural ability to burn fat and get fit. Based on...
Knitting may seem difficult in the start but once you learn it becomes easy. Do you enjoy knitting or would like to learn how? Learn how to create beautiful patterns in no time at all! Whether you ...
Do you enjoy knitting and would like to learn how to use a sewing machine? Learn how to create beautiful patterns in no time at all! - Types of Sewing Machines - How to Setup - What Else to Buy - H...
Want to know how individuals lose weight, cure sickness, improve focus, eliminate pain, and heal themselves from the inside out? This book teaches you natural, time tested methods to live a healthi...
A detailed guide to understanding and eliminating fear, depression, panic, and anxiety attacks. This guide will help you deal with and eliminate your anxiety. It will also guide you through the bes...
Now a days people are making money online by writing ebooks. Writing ebooks, publishing them & making money using them is a part of passive income. And If you also want to make money online usi...
Would you like to be able to think intelligently with a clear mind? For the longest time, intelligent thought and critical thinking techniques have been utilized to enhance all aspects of peoples l...
Would you like to be able to live a longer and healthier life while eliminating disease, discomfort, inflammation, pain, depression, & pain? For the longest time, natural healing techniques hav...
A Pandora's box of environmental disasters has been opened, threatening the ability of the natural world to recover and humanity to survive. From devastating fires and storms to the emergence of de...
Modern technologies have wreaked havoc on the ocean's biodiversity, which affects not just sea life but all life on the planet. Environmentalist Albert Bates teaches students about currents and tid...
At a library used book sale, Ponicsán picked up a copy of Nora Ephron's bestseller, "I Feel Bad About My Neck." It inspired him over the next several years to answer her observations from the male ...
If wanting to maintain good health is your primary motivation for adopting a plant-based diet, this user-and family-friendly cookbook makes it easy and inviting for anyone to happily convert to a n...
Get in the Sales Game is a groundbreaking one-of-a-kind sales book that can help you close more business. It talks about tips and tricks in selling in the new sales environment. March 2020 was a pi...
The true story of one individual's campaign against the big banks of America in an attempt to save the world's economy.
Throughout world history, empires have collapsed due to wi...
Adventures with Quakers, Architects, Rock Stars and Sufi sages.
The problem in the personal development and self-improvement market for the target reader is that every book merely tells you what you need to do to be a better version of yourself. Every author pr...
The basics behind 'IAuthor' is all about matching the customer's needs to the right product or services. Proper marketing eliminates the struggle to find your potential customer. When a business ow...
The answers you seek are on the pages of this book. Get Hired was designed to give you a step-by-step guide mentoring through each layer involved in gaining employment in today's job market. The mo...
What do you have to lose, after all, your past is just a snapshot of the former days--the latter is yet to come? The future is a blank canvas, so go ahead and create the life you desire. Imaginatio...
The Broken Angel depicts the horrific outcomes of abuse. Anyone who has suffered from abuse, physically or mentally…. understands the damaging effects it has on our mental state of mind. At ...
When you SELF MASTER THE JOURNEY You'll understand:
How to find your purpose | How to find your passion
The meaning of success | How you get distracted by others
How job kills happiness | ...
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes," philosopher, William James. Changing the way, you think is easy in theory, but in pract...
Herramienta de coaching de alto rendimiento para los líderes de hoy Supervisores... ¿Están cansados de: • Lidiar con una alta rotación de empleados? • Una mala comunicación con sus empleados? • Fal...
A High Performance Coaching Tool for Today's Leaders Supervisors... are you tired of: • Dealing with high employee turnover • Poor communication with your employees • Lack of employee engagement &a...
This book provides an educational and sobering look at the conditions orcas face by being captured or born into captivity. Young people will learn how orcas (who are part of the same biological ord...
Representatives of the Six Nation Iroquois delivered three position papers titled "The Haudenosaunee Address to the Western World" at a conference on "Discrimination Against the Indigenous Populati...
The ten biographies of outstanding Native women leaders recount the extraordinary work of women in such diverse fields as the arts, education, the environment, the media, women's rights, and tribal...
The revised edition adds two new and exciting young basketball players to the roster of outstanding Native athletes already included in the book. Shoni Schimmel, a tribal member of the Confederated...
The amazing stores of ten influential contemporary native heroes spark both pride and awe. This revised edition includes two new profiles: Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Onodaga ...
Sick of dimming your bulb? Feel like your power's out? Ready to recharge your dreams? Find out how to complete your inner circuit, overcome fear, and unleash the 10,000 watts of life-changing energ...
Emerich is my name. I am now an old man, shaped by the experiences that a diverse and rich life has given me. " Emerich Roth's crime was that he was a Jew. Therefore, he ended up in the Nazi exterm...
The Secret DJ's first two books lifted the lid on what really happens behind the decks in the sometimes hilarious, sometimes harrowing world of the superstar DJ. Now they've reached out to dozens o...
This revision is a celebration of the amazing versatility and health benefits to be found in whole plant foods. The original book inspired thousands to adopt a healthier diet, and this newly update...
What you hold in your hands is a true story. A story of one family's fight against the odds. One family's story of resiliency and determination. It is a true account of Mike Turnbull's battle with ...
In Turning Points: How the Heart of Your Business is Formed in the Toughest of Times, 25 successful entrepreneurs explore how the difficult times in our lives can transform our outlook and elevate ...
A 24-year old girl loses two babies in 9 months and almost dies from 2 ectopic pregnancies. 3 months later, a woman who has two sons comes to the hospital where Bryan, the author Linda's husband is...
Several powerhouse authors sharing their inspirational "Success Maverick" stories concerning their individual success and what they have done different through their lives to create the results the...
Le livre à succès Le langage universel de la nature en anglais a touché une corde sensible à l'époque actuelle du confinement ce qui montre la nécessité d'une nouvelle vision et de solutions innova...
Peter Margetts was a successful property developer in Dubai when the city-state's economy collapsed sending his company into bankruptcy. Post-dated cheques he'd written to investors were worthless....
Delving into history and mixing eye-witness accounts with compelling anecdotes from his journalistic career, John Cookson examines the Kurds' eternal quest for independence, he tells of his encount...
Becoming a Digital Unicorn: 5 Steps to Set Yourself Apart in a Competitive Economy. The continuous wave of digital disruptions is demanding something new from each of us, whether you work for a lar...
Never ending to do lists and deadlines. Constant demands on your time and energy. The world never stops. And you never have time to catch up. This can leave you depleted and overwhelmed, wanting to...
Women entrepreneurs do not go into business to become a professional sales person, however it doesn't take very long before they find out that sales is the heartbeat of their company. They soon com...
Winners win - Even when they lose. It might sound counterintuitive - but it's the secret behind every great athlete, leader, and entrepreneur: Playing to win, regardless of the situation, regardles...
How would it feel to live 100% of the time with passion, purpose, fulfillment and abundance. At some level, everyone desires to live this way, but the truth of the matter is we continually have dis...
As Brent Cassity stood at the gate of Leavenworth prison to voluntarily surrender his freedom for the next five years of his life, a million thoughts flooded through his mind. But, the one thought ...
Start Chasing Nothing is a practical guide filled with life-changing knowledge and easy to use techniques to help anyone plagued by daily dread to find joy and peace from within. This book is for p...
You know how some people learn lessons the hard way? Meet Yaya. She is a brown- haired, brown-eyed girl who chose to land on earth in the spandex-and- boy-band- infused-80's with her chosen perfect...
Life In A Spin is nothing to do with politics, but all about Mylne's career piloting helicopters for the Army and commercially. In his prologue, he says memories pop up at random and never in neat ...
YOUR BODY KNOWS HOW TO HEAL As the founder of the Holistic Counseling Center in Raynham and Plymouth Massachusetts, I talk with people every day who are struggling. A full ninety percent of the pat...
A parental guide providing strategies and techniques to deal with the tough situations with the difficult to manage child including ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders), ADHD, Reactive Attachment Disord...
A parental guide providing strategies and techniques to deal with the tough situations with the difficult to manage child including ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders), ADHD, Reactive Attachment Disord...
A parental guide providing strategies and techniques to deal with the tough situations with the difficult to manage child including ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders), ADHD, Reactive Attachment Disord...
Welcome to the Purposed Survivor 12 Phases to Restoration Program. The Initial Beginnings book is a discussion of the 12 Mind Power Phases. We all came into this program seeking restoration from an...
Getting Out Alive is a simple guide to assist domestic abuse victims in finding their way to freedom. We understand the chaos that runs rampant in your life at this point, and the idea of restorati...
ICOMM was designed for business owners who believe big tech compromised their free speech, fake news outlets, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, etc. If your online presence is silenced, without exp...
The purpose of restoration is simply living free from the ramifications of domestic abuse. If you are willing to make an effort to find the solution to freedom, then these are the basic steps you m...
An insight into your Thoughts : Recognize-Realize-Respond" is always “Beginning with your quality, ending up with your identity". In between, all the outcomes from realities of life on various occa...
"Lub-Dub" are two sounds that are heard during each heartbeat. The book "Lub-Dub of Every Heart" is about those multiple sounds every heart suffers, tolerates, rejoices, cooperates during the flow ...
Would you like to be fit to live the fast or easy no time?Does the idea of 'spending just 1% of your day to enjoy the 99%' appeal to you?Developed by a physician bringing traditional yoga...
Discoveries with Coaching is a detailed, practical approach for inspiring transformation in leaders and individuals through Coaching. Coaching is an effective, result-oriented process that unravels...
This companion volume to Body on Fire reiterates essential concepts about the nature of inflammation and its relationship to chronic illness, offers insights into why certain foods are health-suppo...
Discover the unique lives and career paths of twelve Native people who are actively working in the complex entertainment industry of motion pictures, television, or digital productions. They work b...
Native women have filled their communities with strength and leadership, both historically and as modern-day warriors. The twelve Indigenous women featured in this book overcame unimaginable hardsh...
Leadership Matters. Leaders hold enormous influence over the culture, the environment and the processes that fuel every home, business, and community organization. Let there be no mistake, leadersh...
Emerging from Nottingham in the summer of 1989, the DiY Collective were one of the first house sound systems in the UK. Merging the anarchic lineage of the free festival scene, the cultural and pol...
Coming To Berlin reflects, through the lives and music of migrants, settlers and newcomers, how a constantly in flux city with a tumultuous history has evolved into the de facto cultural capital of...
During the second half of the 1990s, Paris experienced a dance music revolution thanks to groundbreaking artists like Daft Punk, Air, Super Discount, Motorbass, Cassius, Dimitri from Paris, Bob Sin...
Out of Space plots a course through the different UK towns and cities club culture has found a home. From Glasgow to Margate via Manchester, Sheffield and unlikely dance music meccas such as Coalvi...
Women face different roadblocks from men as they advance in their careers. Their scripts are different. From early childhood, girls are taught that their ultimate success depends upon acting in cer...
manual-ensaio prático que ensina técnicas para obter a realização dos próprios desejos Tem desejos escondidos no seu coração? Gostaria que se realizassem?? Quer saber como consegui realizar os meus...
Praktisches Handbuch mit Techniken zum Verwirklichen der eigenen Wünsche Hast Du verborgene Wünsche auf dem Herzen? Möchtest Du, dass sie wahr werden? Möchtest Du erfahren, wie ich es geschafft hab...
praktická príručka-esej, ktorá vás oboznámi s technikami na realizáciu vlastných želaní Máš vo svojom srdci nejaké skryté túžby? Chcel by si, aby sa splnili? Chceš vedieť, ako som dokázal splniť ti...
Manuel-essai pratique qui enseigne des techniques pour parvenir à la réalisation des propres désirs. As-tu des désirs cachés dans ton cœur?Aimerais-tu qu'ils se réalisent? Est-ce que tu veux savoir...
Sex and intimacy 101 is a book written to teach people how to have enjoyable sex.It address issues of foreplay,penetration,sex positions,impotence, and other important sexual issues.The most import...
Guide for soccer coaches of any category or level
Guide for soccer coaches of any category or level. From the fundamental principles for the development of young soccer players to tactics, game ...
Gestire il vostro tempo è il primo passo essenziale per avere la vostra vita sotto controllo.
La vita vi dà 24 ore al giorno di cui 8 dovrebbero essere passate dormendo. Tuttavia, con le pressio...
Can the soul of a woman, sold to the highest bidder by her family, find redemption? The real story of Giulia Farnese, a woman far beyond time.
Giulia Farnese, a woman who traverses time to f...
Questo libro vuole essere una guida di livello intermedio ad alcuni strumenti e abilità comuni per i test di penetrazione, in particolare quelli dell'hacking wireless e del mantenimento dell'anonim...
A BOOK DEDICATED TO HOPE Humanity is at a crossroads between self-destruction and change. Are you negative and pessimistic? Do you feel uneasy about the future? Are you unhappy because of your dail...
Have you ever realized that your mind is always most relaxed when you prepare to go to sleep? Your night will be disturbed and troubled if you go to bed weighed down by the hassles of daily life.
Depression has had several names over the years, and it seems to be more common than ever. Luckily, it can be treated fairly easily too, if the sufferer knows that he or she has a problem and also ...
This e-book explains dating and relationships in the digital age.
We live in very interesting times for love. Being forever connected has changed everything forever. Most of the best relationshi...
Each of us possesses unique gifts that we can give to the world–that we owe to ourselves and to our communities to share. Hidden within these pages is the inspiration you've been waiting for to let...
More than half of all men will develop prostate problems during their lifetimes, while one in eight will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Even when prostate cancer is successfully treated, the si...
Joseph J. Randazzo, Writer – Publisher - Executive Producer Presents The Historical Classic Collectors Issue Vol June / July 1994. 80 Pages. Full-Color. The International UFO Library Magazine. Feat...
Joseph J. Randazzo, Writer – Publisher - Executive Producer Presents The Historical Classic Collectors Issue Vol April / May 1994. 80 Pages. Full-Color. The International UFO Library Magazine. Feat...
Joseph J. Randazzo, Writer – Publisher - Executive Producer Presents The Historical Classic Collectors Issue Vol. 3 No. 3. 1995. 80 Pages. The International UFO Library Magazine. Featuring Articles...
The International UFO Library Magazine. Featuring Articles from Around the World. Page 8. Mexico – The Greatest UFO Wave in History Over Mexico by Wendell C Stevens. Page 10. England – The Golden C...
The International UFO Library Magazine. Featuring Articles from Around the World. Page 6. Siberia – Mission by J. Sterlin Silver. Page 8. Star Trek – Egos, Ethics and Rumors at Warp Speed. Page 11....
This e-book explains how you can make her miss you by minimizing the time you spend together as a couple.
Phones reduce one's memory. Phone messages and notifications can be distracting to tasks...
Backache has become one of the most pervasive of all ailments on a worldwide basis. This is a shame since backache that has not been caused by single impact trauma is largely preventable, as it is ...
Die Geschichte der schönsten Weihnachtslieder der amerikanischen Tradition
Ein faszinierender und unterhaltsamer Überblick über die Geschichte der Weihnachtslieder, die mit der amerikanischen Tr...
There are many types of cars, or automobiles, as some people like to call them. There are the 'family' types that facilitate our daily lives, and get us to work and the shops; then there are the wo...
This e-book explains why you shouldn't respond to his messages instantly.
How do men feel when you ignore them by taking long to respond to their texts? Typically, the first responses are curios...
Crab is the symbol used by the medical fraternity for Cancer. Women are victim of crab and they fear when they hear about the Breast Cancer. The fear of cancer is so great that the entire family ge...
The book is divided into 14 chapters. It starts with Chapter 1 which deals with Understanding Rewards and Compensation System in India and the others parts of the world. It explains the old concept...
Imagine how the world would be if we were less stressed, more fulfilled, and truly happy. If this feels like a faraway reality, it's only because we've given our power away to stress. When we can t...
This is a book for anyone with an interest in comedy. For people in the comedy industry itself and indeed the broader entertainment industry, this book is literally a must-read. For those thinking ...
The (nature) science discovered by Copernicus and Galileo during the 16th and 17th Centuries has a definition to obey of using a specific scientific method, experimental method, to make scientific ...
The book says if you want to achieve the desired result or any achievement in your life you need to be in aligned state [physical state, emotional state, social state need to be aligned properly] t...
See ya later, Ovulator! delivers the great news that, yes, you can master your menopause with nutrition, hormones, gut health, and self-advocacy. Esther Blum, an Integrative Dietitian and Menopause...
From the mysterious Druids and noble King Alfred to the notorious Henry VIII and the Glorious Revolution of 1688, Charles Dickens traced his country's history for the benefit of young Victorians. W...
Virtually every aspect of the modern Western worldview has its roots in the remarkably diverse body of philosophy that emerged from a small patch of land in the Mediterranean thousands of years ago...
Misanthropes, grumps, and the hopelessly jaded will relish every ruthlessly witty word of Ambrose Bierce's essay collection A Cynic Looks at Life. Bierce unleashes his jaundiced eye and incisive in...
Do you have a burgeoning junior chef in your life? Are you trying to avoid the processed ingredients that a lot of modern cookbooks for kids emphasize? If so, this back-to-basics introduction to co...
Joseph J. Randazzo, Writer – Publisher - Executive Producer Presents The Historical Classic Collectors Issue Vol April / May 1994. 80 Pages. Full-Color. The International UFO Library Magazine. Feat...
Joseph J. Randazzo, Writer – Publisher - Executive Producer Presents The Historical Classic Collectors Issue Vol April / May 1994. 80 Pages. Full-Color. The International UFO Library Magazine. Feat...
Love will always triumph over Evil The world is ruled by a handful of Super Rich. These, in their short-sighted management of the planet, are leading Humanity to its own self-destruction. The probl...
Vegetarianism has been a culinary philosophy for thousands of years, but not so much in the West, until it started to make a comeback in the early Twentieth century. It was taken on board by the Hi...
Excel is the application used by many industries to develop business plans, create financial reports, produce budget reports, etc. It is a software from the Microsoft Office suite that allows the c...
Heather Leah has had nine marriage proposals, so she knows a lot about attracting love and romance. Deeply in love with her husband for more than sixteen years, she inspires and empowers women to c...
At the end of the Spanish Civil War, the government of Franco's "New Spain" launched a complex and Machiavellian system of repression, directed against all those republican prisoners who had lo...
Este libro cambia el juego en el área de trabajo en equipo y gestión de personas. Así como el CI o IQ es el coeficiente Intelectual que sustenta competencias como el pensamiento, la planificación, ...
You have something valuable and meaningful to give the world. Whether you have a little time, a lot of energy, a new idea, a special talent, a few extra dollars (or the ability to fundraise), or th...
Kra uses storytelling to connect medicine with the human condition, resulting in tales of love and loss, triumph, and disillusionment. From post-war France and Switzerland to a modern private cardi...
In an exploration of conversations gone wrong, well, and sideways, Leading Together examines what divides us and what brings us together. Grounded in the belief that brave, honest conversations are...
Contributing Authors: Sacil Armstrong, Dr. Melissa Bird, Dr. Sheila K. Collins, Verna Darnel, Courtney Dorsey, Felecia Frayall, Christine Gautreaux, Chartisia Griffin, Shannon Ivey, Melody LeBaron,...
Soul Excavation: An Exploration and Discovery of Self Through Fear, Failure, and Quantum Physics is about one woman's transformational journey of living from fear, anger, and pain to discovering an...
With a warm, genuine voice, Provenzano draws you into her life in war-torn Liverpool, filled with air raids and blackouts, backyard shelters, incendiary bombs on parachutes, food rations and grade-...
"The key to all this is sleep hygiene and cleansing of the heart.
Are you part of the 60% of the population who has trouble sleeping several nights a week? If so, you should know that sleeping w...
It could easily be argued that body art is more popular now than at any time in history. In days long gone by, sailors were the most heavily tattooed sector of society, but for decades now, that se...
"Questo e-book vi darà consigli su come riavere indietro il vostro o la vostra EX se provate ancora dell'interesse nei suoi confronti.
All'interno di questo e-book scoprirete il momento in cui l...
This user guide will teach you step-by-step how to use and master the functions of the iPhone 14 Pro Max. By the end of this book, you will be able to stand out from those who only use the iPhone 1...
Climb Every Mountain: Dr. Linda's Leadership Lessons is a summary of many great Leadership Books and Quotes leaders can use in any Keynote in one convenient place.When Linda was elected into nation...
Dreams cannot be created without thoughts, and thoughts are useless without dreams.Learn to channel the creative power of thoughts and dreams, and you change the course of your life.Kernels of Know...
"Change how a person thinks, and you will change how they feel. Change how they feel, and you will change how they perform. Change how they perform and you will change the results. Change the resul...
Gooey, chew, and chocolaty—brownie's are everyone's favorite dessert! Make brownies like you never dreamed possible with this collection of delicious recipes.
With everything from German c...
Great flavor knows no boundaries.
After years traveling the globe, popular food blogger Ally Phillips has tasted almost everything. Now she's bringing you the best eats the world can offer in a ...
With the rustle of autumn leaves and the warm scent of pumpkin spices filling the air, we celebrate Thanksgiving with our hearts and kitchens. Inside Giving Thanks, you will find more than 55 recip...
Is he a Good Man? Or a Jerk?
In the dating game, how does a side step the jerks to snag a good man? Where does she learn the rules of the game so she can protect herself from unnecessary injury?...
Ready to eat in just under an hour, these recipes are healthy, delicious, and easy to make! With recipes like Eggs in Purgatory, Moo Shu Pork, and Cajun Spiced Cod, you won't have to spend a fortun...
Enjoy this Dan Jones' classic which contains a fast-paced narrative of his many journeys across the American West, the difficult and sometimes secret jobs he did for Brigham Young, his adventures w...
Gail Halvorsen's story began long before he flew planes full of candy over post-war Berlin. Discover how the compassion Gail showed in Germany began with lessons learned in childhood, lessons like ...
It takes a village to raise a child, and in the case of youth suicide, it takes an entire community to save one. As a high school principal, Dr. Gregory A. Hudnall dealt with dozens of student suic...
Impress friends and family with these quick and healthy plant-based meals!Every meal is meat free, dairy free, and can be cooked in 30 minutes or less. With main courses, salads, sides, and sweets,...
The theatre, the theatre, what's happened to the theatre? This is what many LDS parents are also asking. Finding films is not hard with the unlimited resources available for entertainment including...
«Η ΖΩΗ ΜΑΣ» (our life) is a homage and a spiritual journey to our origins, our place of birth. I wanted to learn about our family's life in Kefalonia and its trials and tribulations in some very ch...
I hope that it will interest those who are hoping to make money on line. In fact, the number of people trying to make (some extra) money online has skyrocketed over the last ten or twelve years, bu...
The Embassy Cruising Guide Florida is a must for recreational boaters traveling the waters of the Sunshine State's coasts and islands, with coverage extending all the way to Mobile Bay, Alabama.
Created with the gluten-intolerant and diabetic in mind, this collection of gluten- and sugar-free recipes will leave you with delicious meals, desserts, and snacks—all made with fresh, organ...
Look forward to a happier retirement with this fantastic guidebook for couples. You are not alone in your quest for a retirement that is both rewarding and productive. Filled with stories and tips,...
Thousands of German-Americans were unjustly interned in prison camps throughout the United States during WWII, which must never be forgotten or allowed to happen again. Shattered Lives, Shattered D...
Easy recipes and helpful hints will have even a beginning baker creating delicious gourmet cake bites, cake balls, and cake pops right at home! With recipes like Raspberry Lemonade, A Rockier Road,...
Dr. Tamara Greenberg offers hope and practical advice to those impacted by a loved one's chronic illness. Providing easy-to-understand explanations for complicated feelings and behaviors, this book... is one of the longest running Dutch oven blogs on the Internet. Now in book form, Best of the Black Pot: Must-Have Dutch Oven Favorites brings the latest and greatest in Dutch ove...
Go Beyond the Same Old Names, Dates, and Facts, with this intriguing look at what really happened in history—the material that never made it into your textbooks. From ancient artifacts to mod...
Bestselling author and dessert genius, Wendy Paul is back with a collection of tasty flavors and unique ice cream treats from fun-loving triple berry to exotic mango lime to scrumptious fried ice c...
Based on doctrinal principles and years of professional experience, counseling real people, this uplifting volume approaches marital intimacy with a genuine desire to help couples. Learn to lovingl...
Plan the perfect party! Popular blogger and style maven Kara Allen offers you all the inspiration you need to turn your special moments into unforgettable memories. In this full-color guide you'...
Add extra interest and depth to your study of the Doctrine & Covenants with these little-known stories and facts from Church history. With one story for each section, you'll soon discover the d...
Enjoy the priceless history of the Yucatan in an LDS way! Let the authors walk you through different sites as they describe each site's history, architecture, and possible cultures. In addition to ...
Not everyone can win the race, but everyone can finish it. In her quest to wish away an extra 75 pounds, Betsy changed her life for good. Using her Philosophy of Finishing, she snowballed her effor...
For those who believe, it's no secret that this life is not the end. Learn for yourself what awaits us all in these inspiring true accounts from Latter-day Saints who have penetrated the thin veil ...
Written especially to help those dealing with grief and loss, But If Not: The Compilation serves as a lifeline for those who feel powerless against their trials. Through lessons, techniques, and sp...
How can I have inner peace as a mother when I feel so stressed and scattered? For mothers who feel they are constantly juggling multiple demands, How to Have Peace When You're Falling to Pieces is ...
The world is full of evil men conspiring for total control. Composed of religious, financial, and political committees, this secret combination coordinates with other groups to accomplish its ultim...
I learned early that if you don't want to go to school for a career . . . then this was the life. And there were rules. You better not drink, you better not be a big shot and you better always stay...
With easy-to-learn tips and advice from experts Joy Bossi and Karen Bastow, "Joy in Your Garden: A Seasonal Guide to Gardening" will have you gardening in no time! Novice gardeners or natural green...
How can we rekindle the love we once had? What are the ingredients for a successful marriage? What types of things can we do to keep the love alive in our marriage? Kenneth W. Matheson, marriage co...
Your food storage contains delectable delights when you know how to use it! Eating stored food rotates your food supply, saves you money, and supports your health, and it keeps you prepared for any...
Eat yourself skinny!Going on a diet need not exile you to bland food and a grumbling stomach. Shauna Evans, author of Sweet & Savory, has mouthwatering recipes and a risk-free diet for you! Sav...
These desserts are not to be "trifled" with!Dessert genius and popular blogger Glory Albin shows how to combine delicious essential recipes into layered masterpieces. You'll love the:Chocolate Rasp...
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced breadmaker, professional baker Stephanie Petersen guides you through the step-by-step shaping, twisting, painting, and embellishing to bake showstopping ...
Every mother's dream come true: dinner that makes itself! With the help of your trusty slow cooker and these healthy, simple recipes, you can put dinner on the table even on the craziest of days. T...
Say goodbye to commercial yeast, and hello to a healthier body!
With allergies to gluten and commercial yeast on the rise, natural yeast is a fun and healthy solution to baking all the foods you...
Five hungry kids, a husband in the NFL, and staying in shape—popular blogger Christy Denney has her work cut out for her in the kitchen. Her solution? Simple, quick, and mouthwatering recipes...
One led our country through the Civil War and out of slavery. The other founded a religious movement that is today the nation's fastest-growing Christian denomination. So what could Abraham Lincoln...
Create delicious desserts without making a mess! One Dirty Bowl indulges your sweet tooth while getting you out of the kitchen in no time. Whip up showstopping desserts like --White Chocolate and S...
Your baby deserves the best in life—food is no exception! Feeding Baby is the ultimate guide to preparing and feeding wholesome foods to your infant, with helpful nutritional tips, picky eati...
Add a touch of sweetness to your life with classic and inspired recipes from Artisan Caramels! Learn the ins and outs of artisan caramel making, from common mistakes to fail-proof techniques that w...
After her mother took her own life, Wendy Parmley learned firsthand the heartache, despair, and loneliness that accompanies suicide loss. Reinvent your definition of saved, perfect, and forgiveness...
Take your Paleo diet to the next level with Paleo Meal Planning on a Budget. Elizabeth McGraw's follow-up book to bestselling Paleo on a Budget features simple, budget-friendly meal prep strategies...
Make more than President Uchtdorf's airplanes out of the sacrament programs; now, your kids can fold the gold plates, a pioneer dress, or the Salt Lake Tabernacle! As you develop the unique skill o...
Can you name the 117 angels that appeared to Joseph Smith? You'll be able to after reading this book! With interesting facts, inspiring stories, and even his patriarchal blessing, 500 Little-Known ...
Have fun with your kids as you create unique crafty gifts for family, friends, teachers, and neighbors. These adorable and educational crafts are perfect for preschool- and elementary-age kids. Now...
It has taken modern science more than 3,500 years, and the genius of such men as Einstein to catch up with what Abraham and Moses knew so long ago. We can only ponder how many more wonders of God m...
Break the recipe code for your favorite foods! Free of grains, gluten, dairy, cane sugar, and soy, The Recipe Hacker is a mouthwatering collection of your favorite comfort foods with a healthy twis...
Whether you want salty, sweet, spicy, comforting, crunchy, or chocolaty—indulge all your cravings and give your body the nutrition it needs. With these tantalizing plant-based, vegan recipes,...
It's time for "the talk." Teach your children the truth about sexual intimacy in a world of shifting values and ideas. With expert advice and age-appropriate wording, you learn how to use the templ...
Eat more gluten-free goodness—while spending a lot less! From creamy Italian chicken to black bottom banana pie, this cookbook takes traditional family favorites to a whole new gluten-free le...
Turn everyday situations in your home into teaching moments. With practical tips, object lessons, and ideas for how to create such moments, popular speaker Darren Schmidt teaches you how to be a sh...
Enjoy your favorite foods from home, all mission long! This easy-to-use cookbook features quick, healthy recipes that will keep you fueled and ready to serve.Try the . . .• Cinnamon Pancakes• Grill...
If you think pancakes are only for breakfast, you’'e in for a surprise! Popular blogger Karly Campbell shares her signature flapjack favorites, from cornmeal pancakes topped with guacamole to s'm...
Get the parenting results you want without stepping into the battle zone. Popular blogger, professor, and TV panelist Julie K. Nelson combines her professional expertise with her personal experienc...
Gratitude is good for the soul, and it's easier than you think! Now you can help your family say thank you their way—on paper or online. With simple suggestions for thank-you notes, texts, an...
Enjoy a year of unforgettable Sunday dinners that bring your family and friends together! This easy-to-use cookbook is filled with everything you need to make exceptional dinners everyone will be t...
"There are enough movies, websites, books, and blogs on how to catch a man. It's only fair to teach a young lady how not to be caught—at least not by the wrong one."Learn how to•Vet potential...
Bio 1 of 2: 'Amy Choate': Amy Ward Choate co-owns Natural Philosophy (a lifestyle company) and is the founder and original chef of Natural Philosophy's organic salad bar. Her passion for the plant-...
Savor your fruits, vegetables, and grains at their ripest time of the year! Ripe Recipes shows you the best and healthiest meals to make during any season. Choose your favorite flavors and create s...
Save time and money in your garden!
No more excuses! Well-known author Caleb Warnock provides insightful instruction on how to make gardening fun, easy, and stress-free.
Learn how to:
Capture the spirit of Southern cooking without financial sacrifice! This book contains easy tips for tasty Southern dishes meals like Honey Lime Cilantro Wings, Grits-Stuffed Shrimp, and Pecan Pie....
With millions of books screaming for readers' attention, authors must find ways to win readers through—you guessed it—social media! This book helps navigate the social media overload an...
Unleash the potential power of the most versatile pot in your kitchen! Make the best Dutch oven meals with over 80 easy-to-follow recipes in this collection. Enjoy traditional dishes, like Long-Roa...
Retired CIA operative B. D. Foley has learned a thing or two about being a man, especially a better man—mostly from great ideas gone wrong. Through these stories filled with humor and intrigu...
Tired of mixed messages, confusing signals, and of playing the dating game? Dating expert Zack Oates has experienced it all in this comical guide that will keep you happy and laughing. Perfect for ...
When Jason Hansen's father taught him this principle, Jason had no idea that it would be so essential for his family, especially Kennedy. Jason and Heather's daughter Kennedy was diagnosed with Bat...
Create gourmet meals in minutes--no expensive kitchen equipment required! With just one piece of cookware you can enjoy mouthwatering appetizers, snacks, side dishes, and entrees. Clean up is so si...
Seed saving guru Caleb Warnock guides you through the process of saving your own seeds and cultivating a garden all your own. Discover the secrets to saving seeds from more than thirty vegetable va...
Harriet, with the help of her famous sister, gets a job editing at the Gazette but the pudgy, foolish son of the owner, continually makes her job awkward and difficult. He is determined to undermin...
After witnessing the devastation done by the Boston and Paris terror attacks and being critically injured in the Brussels bombing, Mason Wells was left with third-degree burns, emotional scars, and...
This is the book you've been waiting for! With groundbreaking information about the health benefits of natural yeast, this book will revolutionize the way you bake! Easy to prepare and use, natural...
With thirteen children and twenty-six grandchildren (and counting!), Marlene Ellingson has spent a lifetime figuring out how to become a better parent. Perhaps not surprisingly, the best answers co...
Sweeten your celebrations with recipes from Fanny of Oh Sweet Day! As always, Fanny uses simple, familiar ingredients to create delectable desserts that are too lovely to eat and too delicious not ...
Elevate your grill game with this mouthwatering guide to backyard barbequing. Through changing careers as a stay-at-home dad, marine, and entrepreneur, Matthew Eads has journeyed from Grill Seeker ...
As members of the LDS Church, we owe our understanding of the scriptures to many scholars, both inside and out of the LDS community. Perhaps the most influential non-LDS scholar was a man named Alf...
Experience the thrill of chasing tales of hidden treasures and lost mines in Utah's mountains with Following the Legends. Packed full of expert advice and mysterious legends, and employing modern G...
Do UFOs really exist? Noted scientist Frank B. Salisbury, in collaboration with Joseph Junior Hicks, tries to answer this question by examining UFO data in the context of modern science. In the pro...
Twenty-one years ago, 50-year-old Jack Rushton was boogie boarding at Laguna Beach with his family when he had an accident that instantly paralyzed him from the neck down. As Jack struggled to adju...
Emotional and verbal abuse often go unnoticed - sometimes even by the abused - until they become something much more serious. This book will teach you about the miracle principle and the proven res...
Whether you've just started attending the singles ward, been at the dating game for years, or know someone who desperately wants to find true love, Fearless Dating is an essential guide for anyone ...
A Real Life Testimony
This 10th-anniversary edition release coincides with the tenth season, public television premiere of the highly successful, award-winning Jazzy Vegetarian cooking series.
With over 120 recipes,...
This hands-on school leadership guide for new and veteran principals and administrators offers practical advice for leading a school successfully. Want honest student input? Try texting. Got a grou...
Award-winning teacher offers advice on achieving work-life balance and employing self-care techniques to avoid burnout. It wasn't long after being named North Carolina History Teacher of the year t...
Empower gifted learners to take charge of their education. Gifted learners are full of potential, but sometimes they're also frustrated, bored, and even disruptive in class. Many bright students s...
This teacher's companion to a classic book for kids provides tools for building self-esteem and personal power. Without self-esteem, kids doubt themselves and may turn to unhealthy habits as a way ...
Fresh edition of a popular title offers teens straightforward advice on stress management, anxiety reduction, and digital well-being. Untempered stress among teens is approaching epidemic status. P...
Help teens make informed decisions about their health and wellness with judgment-free information about addictions. From drugs and alcohol to pervasive use of electronic devices, more teens are exh...
Ever feel like you're just committing random acts of marketing? Do you know you need marketing yet have NO IDEA where to start? Start here.If you're looking for a boring business book, put this one...
Ask the perfect questions and receive answers full of wisdom with this easy-to-use guide. Learn from your parents the time honored traditions and habits that have made them who they are today, incl...
Entrepreneur at age 10, retired by age 40. Too good to be true? Brent Warnock shares advice he learned as a result of his mistakes and failures. Discover what he deems to be the 13 most critical le...
Unearth Utah's long-lost treasure trove! This fascinating volume shares the history of the legendary gold deposits deep in the Uintah Mountains. From Aztec lore to Spanish exploration to pioneer fi...
MYSTERIES AND REMNANTS OF A FORGOTTEN PEOPLETremendous information as well as many artifacts and ancient writings have been brought to light during the past one hundred years to pr...
Whether it's a sister who chews her food too loudly or a spouse who won't open up about his feelings, we all have those little irritations that threaten to damage our important relationships. Learn...
Mother Nature has the best herbal remedies and seasonings! Discover the healthy benefits and flavor-enhancing properties of more than 80 versatile herbs, including EUCALYPTUS: to remedy your cold o...
Parowan Gap in Southwestern Utah is perhaps the most concentrated collection of ancient Native American petroglyphs in the west, with over 90 panels and 1500 figures. It is heavily visited and worl...