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Secrets to Tame a Mystical Dragon


May 25, 2021

Book Details

What are our deepest, darkest emotions? How did we get them? How do we get rid of them? These emotions that hold us back in life, preventing us from achieving our personal happiness, hopes, and dreams. The uncontrollable urges and negative feelings of anger, rage, anxiety, fear, paranoia, frustration, dissociation, and chaos ruling our daily lives bringing to us and drawing into our world, more of the same. How did we get to this point? How do we get out?This is a story of healing, hope, and discovery and how she finally becomes a Trauma Touch Healer. It connects the dots of how we get to that place of suffering from PTSD after trauma and why. She explains from personal experience, study, and working with trauma survivors what works best and why many therapies today are ineffective. Valuable secrets are uncovered on how to extricate yourself and successfully recover from trauma in a safe, organic, and comprehensive way and why this has been hidden from us. It is written and shared from the heart and reveals, at last, a successful, natural method to Crack the PTSD Code. It is possible to un-create that which was created!

Author Description

Sharron Gleason practices Trauma Touch Healing inCarlsbad, Southern California.She is a Certified Trauma Touch Therapist, and anyone who is seeking aconsultation or is interested in receiving therapy may email her at:sgleason@traumatouchhealing.com.Trauma Touch Healing is a new, unique and organic 12-weektrauma release therapy founded by the author.It combines Trauma Touch Therapy, Trauma Intervention, and Emotional911 techniques which control stress, triggers, and symptoms of PTSD.Further information can be obtained from the TTH website atwww.traumatouchhealing.com.

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