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A Hand Book on Frauds: All You Want to Know About Frauds


Prowess Publishing
November 14, 2019

Book Details

In the present day with the development of Technology and use of Internet, Cloud technology, Social media outburst, Frauds and Crimes have climbed to new heights and the fraudster is always one step ahead of the fraud examiners and thus it is a big challenge to stop fraud before it is committed.
This book attempts to identify, the meaning of fraud, evolution of frauds and crimes, the various types of frauds, the Psychology of the persons committing the frauds and the detection and prevention of the frauds, red flags or warning signals and finally reporting of frauds, for suitable action by the courts of law. The book attempts to bring the evolution of frauds dating back to 1700s. Fraud is not a new concept of the present century but dates to 300 years or more. An attempt is also made to highlight some of the Crimes that were committed for the sake of Money.

Author Description

The author is Kolluru N Rao, Chartered Accountant, from Visakhapatnam, AP, India. He has over 30 years' experience in various fields of accounts, auditing, finance, shares and securities. Has experience in finance and operations abroad, East Africa, for over 12 years.
The author is Bachelor in commerce and qualified Chartered Accountant, from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Also secured a diploma in Fraud examination and forensic accounting with IFS Pune India and on Coursera West Virginia, University certificate in Certified Fraud Examiner. Also Associate Member with ACFE, USA. (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners).
Frauds and cyber crimes being on the rise in recent past it is felt that the need of the hour in educating and cultivating awareness of frauds and related crimes, scams so that public will take needed caution in their financial dealings over internet and usage of credit and debit cards and also employers can keep internal controls and employees can act as whistle blowers in case of any unethical behavior by managements etc.
Due to the above reasons there is need of educating one and all. The author has shown deep interest in the subject on frauds over past five years. After extensive study and observation has written this book in simple language for public awareness. This book is useful, especially, in the case of younger generation and millennials who are prone to frauds and become victims, in this era of technological development and internet. kollururao@gmail.com, www.fraudsdetection.com

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