Book Details
Umbono Ongelona iqiniso (umqulu 1): U-Megan uneminyaka eyishumi nambili ubudala, futhi umama wakhe usephinde wamvalela egumbini elingaphansi kwamalahle ngenxa yokukhuluma ngamandla akhe engqondo. 'Ukuqamba amanga' njengoba unina ekubiza kanjalo. Wesaba izicabucabu angaziboni, kodwa umngane wakhe, ingwe enkulu yaseSiberia iza ukuzomsekela ngokuziphatha, njengoba ecabanga ngekusasa lakhe.
Uchungechunge lwe-Psychic Megan luqukethe amanoveli angamashumi amabili nantathu mayelana nokukhula kwentombazane esencane ukuthi iyakwazi ukwenza izinto okungekho noyedwa emndenini wayo ongakwenza. UMegan uneminyaka eyishumi nambili kumqulu wokuqala. Unezinkinga ezimbili ezibonakala zingenakuxazululeka. Unina uyawesaba amakhono endodakazi yakhe acashile futhi ngeke nje ayisize kodwa uyayidikibalisa ngenkuthalo; futhi akakwazi ukuthola uthisha ongamsiza ukuba athuthukise amandla akhe angaphezu kwawemvelo, amandla engqondo. Ngoba akafuni nje ukwazi ukuthi yini engenzeka nokuthi angayenza kanjani, kodwa kufanele abeke amakhono akhe akhethekile ukuze afinyelele ekugcineni. U-Megan uyintombazane elungile, ngakho-ke kubonakala kusobala ukuthi ujwayele ukusebenzisa amandla akhe ngokuhle, kodwa akulula ngaso sonke isikhathi ukwenza okulungile ngisho noma wazi ukuthi kuyini lokho. Lezi zindaba ezimayelana noMegan zizokhanga noma ngubani onentshisekelo emandleni engqondo, amandla angaphezu kwawemvelo kanye ne-paranormal futhi ophakathi kweminyaka eyishumi nekhulu ubudala. I-Misconception (umqulu 1 kwangu-23): U-Megan uneminyaka eyishumi nambili ubudala, futhi umama wakhe usemvalele egumbini elingaphansi kwamalahle futhi ngenxa yokukhuluma ngamandla akhe omlingo. 'Ukuqamba amanga' njengoba unina ekubiza kanjalo. Wesaba izicabucabu angaziboni, kodwa umngane wakhe, ingwe enkulu yaseSiberia iza ukuzomsekela ngokuziphatha, njengoba ecabanga ngekusasa lakhe.
Author Description
Owen Jones, Amazon Best-Selling Author from Barry, Wales, has lived in several countries and travelled in many more. While studying Russian in the USSR in the '70's, he hobnobbed with spies on a regular basis. After university, in Suriname, he got caught up in the 1982 coup, when he was accused of being a mercenary. Later, while a company director, he joined the crew of four as the galley slave to sail, from Barry to Gibraltar on a home-made concrete yacht during Desert Storm. En voyage, the yacht was almost rammed by a Russian oil tanker, and an American aircraft carrier - The Atlantic Challenger.
In 2004, he started his first novel, Daddy's Hobby (from the seven-part series 'Behind The Smile: The Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya'), but he didn't finish it until 2012. However, his largest collection is 'The Psychic Megan Series', twenty-three novelettes on the psychic development of a teenage girl, the subtitle of which, 'A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!' sums them up nicely. However, since 2012, he has written fifty-odd novels and novelettes, including the military drama Dead Centre; the spy novel Andropov's Cuckoo; a fantasy Fate Twister; a philosophical vampire comedy The Disallowed; a whodunnit Tiger Lily of Bangkok; and Spiritualist drama, A Night in Annwn (Annwn being the ancient Welsh word for Heaven). Not only that, but many have been translated into foreign languages and narrated into audiobooks.
Since 2004, he has lived mainly in the UK, Spain and Thailand. He now leads a somewhat quieter life in his wife's remote, northern farming village writing, editing and increasing the number of translations, and narrations of his novels.
As he says: "Born in the Land of Song, living in the Land of Smiles".
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