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My Lady Love


October 8, 2022

Book Details

Confraternizar com os hóspedes era algo inaceitável e que ela não fazia!
Dona de uma pousada que estava sempre movimentada, a Sra. Jeeves levava uma vida agitada e excitante. Seus hóspedes faziam check-in e check-out a todo momento. Como proprietária que gosta de ter as mãos na massa, era importante que ela retratasse a imagem de uma verdadeira profissional, algo que fazia com facilidade. Ao mesmo tempo, manter distância era uma prioridade. Confraternizar com os hóspedes era algo inaceitável e que ela não fazia. Manter sua vida profissional separada da pessoal era prioridade para ela.
E então chegou Peter Remington...

Author Description

Introducing a new character to a reader is something I love doing. Literary fiction is exactly that! Where a story is woven around a character, or even a few. At the same time, romance is part of the deal. I love a happy ever after. But I do enjoy weaving the story of how characters get to meet. In all my novels you will find that thread of romance. From the beginning to the end. Romance is a passion.

Happy moments and sad moments. That is all a part of the deal. You will find them in all my novels. Pretty much the way real life happens. I hope to draw you in and make you feel as if you are a part of the family.

I do hope you get to enjoy my novels. The list will slowly grow. Once you have read one of my novels please leave a review. It really does help.

I am situated near Durban in South Africa. I immerse myself in my novels. Writing has since become my hobby, my past time, and I have turned it in to my full time career. I aim to make each book that I write a pleasure to read. I hope to achieve that.

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