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Vitu Hatari: Mfululizo Wa Vitabu Vya Kuunganishwa Kwa Damu Kitabu Cha 3


July 9, 2024

Book Details

kuwa alikuwa ameahidiwa kwa yule kiongozi wa umati ulimpa sababu aliyoitaka ili kumteka nyara na kumfanya mwenzake… kwa ulinzi wake mwenyewe.
Kila mmoja husema kuwa kuna njia mbili katika maisha, lakini kwa Jewel Scott, ilionekana kama zote zilikuwa hatari sana. Moja iliongoza hadi kwa Anthony, mbweha-mtu aliyekuwa na wazimu wa kuuwa watu, aliyekuwa pia kichwa cha umati na mchumba wake… kinyume na matakwa yake. Njia ile nyengine inaongoza hadi kwa Steven, simba-mtu aliye mpiga kwa gongo la mpira wa besiboli walipokutana mara ya kwanza. Aliitikia kwa kumteka nyara na kumfanya mwenzake.Steven Wilder aliuangukia ile fimbo ya yule msichana kwa njia nyingi kando na kuanguka sakafuni… alitaka kumueka. Alipotambua kuwa alikuwa ameahidiwa kwa yule kiongozi wa umati ulimpa sababu aliyoitaka ili kumteka nyara na kumfanya mwenzake… kwa ulinzi wake mwenyewe.Anthony Valachi alimtamani Jewel kupita kiasi wakati alipokuwa ni zaidi tu ya mtoto, na kwa sheria za umati, alishika usikani wa bibi harusi wake. Ikiwa mtu yeyote alifikiri kuwa wangemuiba kutoka kwake walikuwa wamekosea… kosea kabisa.

Author Description

Amy Blankenship, wife and mother of three, resides in North Carolina. She's always had the urge to write. After she realized there were stories that needed to be told, Amy decided to start bringing her dreams into reality. Inspired by her love of romance novels and anime, Amy has combined her two favorite pass times in order to bring her stories of romance, fantasy, and the paranormal to life. Be sure to register as a member of Amy's website amyblankenship.webs.com.

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