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Enjeux de la coeur


October 17, 2023

Book Details

Bontšhi bja rena re itemogela bophelo bjo nang le maemo a pelo a bohloko. Ga ke bolele feela ka bothata bja pelo e fokolang e hlokang hlahlobo ya bongaka, eupša ditaba tša moya le tša maikutlo. Maemo a, a tšwelela ka lebaka la go hlokomologa diphihlelo tše fapaneng tša pelo tšeo re fetileng go tšona bophelong; go akaretša tahlegelo, maswabi, manyami, thabo, kgotso le kgotsofalo.Ka gona, gantšhi dihlogogonolofatšo tša rena tša nnete, di tšwelela ka sebopego sa bohloko, tahlegelo le go nyama. Gobane Modimo o bolela kgafetša ge o ntše o le seemong se. Ge eba a go tliša go yona, ke gore ka letšatši le lengwe o kgothatse ba bangwe.
Ga gona selo se botse go feta myemyelo e tlang ka morago ga meokgo."A go retwe Modimo, Tatago Morena wa rena, Jesu Kriste, yena Ralešoko, Modimo, Mokgothatši wa ka mehla. O re kgothatša mathateng ohle a rena, gore ka kgothatšo ya gagwe le rena re tle re kgone go kgothatša ba bangwe ge ba le mathateng a mehutahuta." (2 Bakorinthe 1: 3-4)

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