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The Life of Prophet Musa AS (Moses) English Edition


April 10, 2019

Book Details

Prophet Musa Ibn Imran known as Prophet Moses AS in the Bible, considered a prophet and messenger in Islam, is the most frequently mentioned individual in The Holy Quran, his name being mentioned 136 times. The Noble Quran states that Prophet Musa AS or Moses was sent by Allah SWT (God) to the Pharaoh of Egypt and his establishments and the Israelites for guidance and warning. Prophet Musa AS is mentioned more in The Holy Quran than any other individual, and his life is narrated and recounted more than that of any other prophet. According to Islam, all Muslims must have faith in every prophet (nabi) and messenger (rasul) which includes Prohet Musa AS (Moses) and his brother Prophet Aaron AS (Harun).

Author Description

Indie Artist & Self Published Author From South East Asia

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