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Jesus Resurrection


Elohim Inc.
April 1, 2024

Book Details

The Greatest Story Ever Told - Joseph J Randazzo Executive Producer, Director and Writer has spent over 50 years in research and study on "The Jesus of Nazareth Subject Matter" of foretold prophecy, the life and teaching of Jesus, the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus and the supernatural miraculous spiritual ability of Jesus witness by thousands. The Holy Scriptures contain over 300 prophecies about foretelling for centuries of a future Messiah, the anointed one, who would come upon the earth and present great teachings of truth from the Kingdom of GOD. The historic Christmas birth of Jesus in Bethlehem then set the date of our calendars. The Jesus birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension are the very best documented events in ancient history. In the beginning times GOD created male and female, Adan and Eve, to start humanity on the earth. However, the evil one, Satan, temped and deceived GODs new humans and the male and female fell into original sin – disobedience to GOD the creator. Thus, all the children from Adam and Eve as a civilization over thousands of years would carry this original sin and not be allowed into the Kingdom of GOD. This fabulous story says a visitor from afar is sent by GOD the Father in the heavens, instructing His first-born Son, Jesus, to go on a special force mission to earth and seed the truth of righteousness and spiritual connectiveness that GOD provided humankind as a birthright being held as ransom and hostage by the evil one. Jesus arrives on earth as a baby, born of flesh and blood though His Mother Mary. About the age of 30, Jesus starts his mission by redefining laws of Mosses and teaches His new loving spiritual laws of what is called "The Beatitudes", and more. In order for Jesus to finally set the record straight, and free humankind from the original sin held as a trophy by the evil one.

Author Description

Joseph J. Randazzo has been a Holy Bible student for over fifty years, starting when his grandfather, Jasper Lonigro, would read Bible stories to him as a little boy. Still very passionate and inspired to seek out and discover the unlimited, profound information layered within the greatest stories every told, found in the collection of sixty-six books that make up the Holy Bible directed by God and then delivered through the Holy Spirit to about forty selected chosen men of God, which transcended over forty generations, and bridging a fifteen hundred year plus period for the benefit of the terrestrial occupants of this planet to share with you.

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