Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Did you ever wonder why spiders have no hair? After reading thi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this story from West Africa, Anansi the spider uses his wits, his trickster skills, and the ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this trickster tale from Africa, Anansi proves to Elephant and Killer Whale that in a battle...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Anansi is invited to three parties and wants to attend them all. He gives each...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic story from China, we learn why the sun comes up in the morning and goes down at...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When two greedy jungle cats discover a large piece of cheese, they can't decide how to divide i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this story from India, a poor boy's dream of having a drum takes him on an unlikely journey ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Many years ago, the proudest animal in the jungle was not the peacock. The proudest animal was ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In Puerto Rico, there are many stories about Juan Bobo, a young man with a good heart, but litt...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this story from China, when a woodcutter finds a magic pot that makes two of everything that...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this story, a farmer and his wife match wits with a large, mean-spirited ogre. If they can't...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this chain story from Cuba, Rooster learns that he needs a lot of help from his friends to g...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this story from Peru, we meet a baker who is so stingy that he wants to charge people just f...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this delightful story of perseverance and survival from Russia, two frog sisters learn the t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Goat, Rooster, and Donkey decide to try their hand at farming, Donkey learns the price of ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Tree Kangaroo and Koala dig a well to get some water, Tree Kangaroo ends up doing all of t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The baker, Van Amsterdam becomes known in Colonial America for baking his St. Nicholas cookies ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This story opens with "There once was a man whose house was very small," and it continues, "It ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Every night when Billy Brown's mother puts him to bed, she tells him to keep his covers on his ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this action packed folktale from Panama, a clever little rabbit and his Tía Mónica find ways...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Based on a fable from Aesop, the Sun and the Wind test their strength by seeing which of them c...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A splashy, colorful, rhythmic illustration of numbers 1-10 in both English and SpanishRead Along or Enhanced eBook:
Turtle loves to dance and play the flute. But her exuberance puts her at risk when her music at...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Have you ever heard the saying, "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach"? Well, Cat's stomach i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When the animals get together in the jungle, they discover that the noise that they have been m...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This story is a retelling of a traditional Bengali tale in which a kind and generous Indian bar...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this timeless tale from Thailand, A girl cannot decide which of her many silken dresses and ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Gecko may be small, but he has a giant-sized problem. Every night he is awakened by the firefli...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When a rich man is rescued from thieves by a smelly, slobbery dog, the man offers the dog any t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
You may think you know the classic story of the Ugly Duckling, but think again. In the capable ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This lyrical picture book of 20 clever riddles challenges young readers to use their imaginatio...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Carlos is working in the kitchen of the Mexican monastery when the cook enters the room in a pa...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A little Red Hen lived in a house, with a frisky dog, a cat, and a mouse. So begins this fresh ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A clever, singing rabbit eats his way through the pea patch until Little Girl snatches him up a...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this award-winning home-grown version of "The Three Little Pigs," the villain is, naturally,...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Only Maynard Moose could dream up this hilarious story that mashes up three fractured fairy tal...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Colors explode off the page in this energetic, jazzy picture bo...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Two hungry travelers arrive at a village expecting to find a household that will share a bit of...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Sandpiper finds her daily stroll on the beach interrupted by Whale, who boasts that he is ruler...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this Choctaw variant of Aesop's fable "The Tortoise and the Hare," master storyteller Tim Ti...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Alexander wants to have an amazing act for the talent show. He can already stand on his hands&m...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Bobby Baboon has been picking bananas! He wants to bring the bunches to Alpha Betty's school. B...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Corky Cub's best chum is moving away! Who will play catch with him? Who will make cookies and c...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Dilly Dog loves to dance. She darts! She dips! She dives through the air! But sometimes her diz...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Eddie Elephant loves telling stories—exciting, enchanting, extraordinary stories! So when...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Frances Frog is very funny! But sometimes she is a little foolish. Her favorite friend, Felicit...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Hanna Hippo is hungry. She hopes to have one of Homer Hog's huckleberry muffins, but her plan h...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Izzy is itching to visit her grandpa, Doctor Impala. But he's always so busy. Is inventing an i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Jeremy Jackrabbit is excited to enter the jump rope contest. Will he get the jitters—or w...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Ka-pow! Kylie Kangaroo is ready to let her kickers fly at Koora's karate club. There's just one tri...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Lana Llama loves little Lucky Lamb. But Lucky has a problem—the sly and sneaky wolf down ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Maxwell Moose loves camping out and making s'mores and telling spooky stories. But what if Maxw...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Nina Nandu has just moved to a new neighborhood, and she does NOT want to go to a new school. B...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Oliver Otter loves his little sister and brother. But the twins are always tearing or poking or...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Polly Porcupine has a painting problem. Her paintings are sloppy and drippy and different&mdash...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Quentin Quokka has lots of questions! Quick questions, quiet questions—always more questi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
It's the Rocky River Raft Race, and Rosie Raccoon is rarin' to go! Will her Rock and Roll Raft ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Sammy Skunk's super sniffer can be super helpful. But when he tries to help the new cook at sch...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Tessa Tiger likes to play sports—but NOT when she loses. She stomps and storms until her ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Umma Ungka stumbles and bumbles. She trips and tumbles! The summer sun is making her feel dizzy...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
More than anything, Walter Warthog wants the wonderful white wagon in the hardware store window...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Xavier Ox loves music. But sometimes his drumming is rather EXPLOSIVE! So Alpha Betty and Xavie...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Yodel-odel-odel, yak yak yak! Yoko Yak can't seem to stop chatting! And it makes her classmates...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
ZIP! ZAP! ZOOM! Zachary is usually a zippity zooming zebra! But today he snoozes through his al...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Bitty Fish wishes for a big dish in which she can swim and swish…with a friend fish.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Bouncy Mouse bothers his Dad, until his noisy musical antics lead to stardom!Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Joey Goat likes to play jokes on folks…until he learns how it feels to have a joke playe...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Lucky Duck gets stuck in a muddy puddle. Has this duck ran out of luck?Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Perky Otter and busy Bert the Beaver learn that they have a few things in common after all.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Wally Walrus is scared of bully Squawky Hawk…until Wally wins him over in a spectacular ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Albert has the rainy-day blues. But Mom's suggestion that he and Wanda invite some friends over...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Mouse mummies, fossil-digging, and more! Albert is excited to explore the mouseum. But when his...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Today is Albert's birthday and he can barely sit still! There are friends and balloons and part...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Albert has found a wonderful, beautiful thing in the People's backyard. An old shoe! And it's t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Albert is going to the Mouse County Fair! But when his best friend, Leo, isn't home, Albert dec...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
It's campout time for the Squeak Scouts! The ten little mice can't wait to explore the great ou...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Wanda's big show is tomorrow. Rehearsals are going well, but what should the Nibblettes wear? W...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
What could be better than a Captain Slime penny? Albert needs two quarters to use the library's...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Alberto le dice a Wanda, su hermana mayor, que no le tiene miedo a las atracciones del parque d...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Alberto siempre está preocupado de que su hermana mayor, Wanda, no reciba más cosas que él. Eso...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
¡Alberto está feliz con su nueva mascota! El caracol Rayo es tan inteligente que aprende cualqu...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Alberto, Wanda y su primo Perico van de viaje al bol del frutas en la Cocina de la Gente. Alber...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Alberto está haciendo panquecitos —¡él solo!—, pero le faltan algunos ingredientes....Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
¡Alberto se muere de ganas por ir a la escuela. Pero cuando llega el lunes descubre que la escu...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Alberto decide hacer su propia playa en el cajón de arena del Patio de la Gente. Sólo hay un pr...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Alberto acaba de encontrar la cosa más bella y maravillosa del ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
¡Momias de ratones, excavaciones en busca de fósiles y mucho más! Alberto está ansioso por expl...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
¡Hoy es el cumpleaños de Alberto y no se puede estar quieto! Habrá globos, juegos y muchos amig...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
¡El charco está congelado y Alberto se muere de ganas de ir a patinar! Todos los otros ratones ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Alberto se aburre porque está lloviendo. Su mamá le sugiere a él y a Wanda invitar a un par de ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
El gato no está, ¡así que los ratones visitan el cuarto de juegos. Pero cuando los juguetes se ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Applying features of Montessori teaching, to teach little ones about the different animals that...Applying the features of Montessori teaching, this innovative title encourages children to trace various shapes as they enjoy whimsical illustrations of each. Shapes introduced include; squares, di...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Not Opposites combines beautiful illustrations and powerful text to create a story that encoura...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The classic song about a determined little spider is spun into an inspiring tale in this fun ad...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This classic tale of three little pigs and a big, bad wolf is sure to captivate your young read...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Por qué los lémures tienen ojos enormes? Acompáñanos en una aventura en la selva tropical y div...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why do camels have long eyelashes? Come along on a desert adventure and have fun learning the s...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Por qué los camellos tienen pestañas largas? Acompáñanos en una aventura en el desierto y divié...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why do sea turtles look like they are crying? Come along on an underwater adventure and have fu...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Por qué parece que las tortugas están llorando? Acompáñanos en una aventura bajo el mar y divié...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This reimagined alphabet is the perfect combination of entertaining and enlightening! With hila...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Have you ever felt different from those around you? The Ugly Duckling sure did. All of his brot...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Siéntese con un niño a leer un Cuento De 5 Minutos de Flowerpot Press antes de dormir, a la hor...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Siéntese con un niño a leer un Cuento De 5 Minutos de Flowerpot Press antes de dormir, a la hor...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" Chicken Little and his feathered friends got all aflu...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Siéntese con un niño a leer un Cuento De 5 Minutos de Flowerpot Press antes de dormir, a la hor...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Por qué los cerdos se revudelcan en el lodo? Acompáñanos a una aventura en la granja y diviérte...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why do pigs roll around in the mud? Come along on a farm adventure and have fun learning the sp...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This encouraging tale about a daring letter in the alphabet who wants to stand out uses clever ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why do tractors have such big tires? Come along and explore machines and have fun discovering s...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why do computers know so much? Come along and explore the world of technology and have fun lear...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A crucial lesson is delivered in this gentle tale about the importance of not letting strangers...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why do bush babies have huge eyes? Come along on a rainforest adventure and have fun learning t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why do feet get stinky? Come along and explore the human body and have fun learning about what ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why do rainbows have so many colors? Come along and explore the world of nature and have fun le...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This is the story of three billy goats Gruff and a troll who did not know enough is enough (whi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When a hardworking tailor emerges from his work, delighted about his feat of killing seven flie...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Siéntese con un niño a leer un Cuento De 5 Minutos de Flowerpot Press antes de dormir, a la hor...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Have you ever wished that instead of having to do your chores all by yourself that someone--or ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Siéntese con un niño a leer un Cuento De 5 Minutos de Flowerpot Press antes de dormir, a la hor...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
"How boring!" thought the miller's son when his dad gave him a cat for a present after giving h...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Siéntese con un niño a leer un Cuento De 5 Minutos de Flowerpot Press antes de dormir, a la hor...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Andrea Doss' beautiful art gives this timeless tale of adventure new life. The story of a kind ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
You just never know when a twister is going to whisk you off to a magical land of witches, munc...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Sit down with a 10 Minute Classic from Flowerpot Press at meal time, playtime, "just one more book" time, and take a step toward building a lifelong...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Rudyard Kipling, the best-loved creator of childhood favorites The Jungle Book and "Rikki-Tikki...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Before Arthur became King and commanded a round table of knights, he was just a young squire wi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Come along on an unforgettable journey across the ocean in this seaworthy retelling of the clas...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From his run-ins with the Sheriff, to the gathering of his band of merry men in Sherwood Forest...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Mary Lennox is uprooted from her home in India and sent to live with her mysterious Uncle ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Come along on Jack's enchanted journey filled with magic beans,...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Sit down with a 10 Minute Classic from Flowerpot Press at meal time, playtime, "just one more b...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Take 10 minutes to enjoy this retelling of the classic story about a boy and his encounter with...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Fall in love with this Shakespearean comedy about finding and losing love. A host of characters...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Will Pig learn to share or will he hog all the mud to himself? Character concept: Fairness: Tak...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Nana teaches Nate that the best birthday gift doesn't come in a box. Character concept: Fairnes...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Will Leon get away with lying or will his friends discover the truth? Character concept: Trustw...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why is Bear bothered by Bee when she can be a sweet friend? Character concept: Trustworthiness:...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Helen and Ethan have a big surprise planned for Roy. Will he learn that manners matter? Charact...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Old Scruff is having it rough until two sly cats teach him new tricks. Character concept: Respe...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Dog is down on Cat's plans, will Cat give up or keep after her dream? Character concept: Respo...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Will a trip to the beach be a blast or a bummer when Miss Moo brings all the wrong things? Char...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Ocho is the best at helping others. But who will help him when he needs it? Character concept: ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Will Turbo Turtle be able to help the bunny troop in time? Character concept: Caring: Help peop...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Will Princess Tilly learn from Prince Willy why castle rules are cool? Character concept: Citiz...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Will Neat Nick have to clean up the streets all by himself or will Sloppy Joe learn to change his w...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Bailey Beaver learns a painful lesson about keeping his teeth healthy. Personal Health: Caring ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Fox smells yummy pies, will he use common sense or will his senses get him in trouble? Per...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Bobby goes off on his own, his sister decides to teach him a lesson. Safety: Buddy Systems.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When four friends head off to the park, careful planning rules the day. Safety: Bike Safety.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Pig has a big goal! But will he shape up or just have fun in the mud? Fitness: Staying Active.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Mom is in for a surprise when a trip to the zoo brings out the animal in everyone! Fitness: Sta...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Ricky Raccoon's picnic turns into a fun feast when friends bring their favorite snacks. Nutriti...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Will the townspeople outsmart the evil king? Or will he outrun everyone to control his kingdom?...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The bugs in Bugville have had it with bullies! How will they solve the problem? Bullying: Helpi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
He snarls and snaps at everyone in the yard! But will Bulldog back down or bark back when confr...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
It's the day of the big show. How will the judges decide who is top dog? Mental Health: Appreci...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Is skipping school cool or will the pandas learn a new lesson? Mental Health: Role Models.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The friends are happy it is Field Day! But then they learn there is no race for turtles. How can the friends help the turtles have fun too? Characte...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
It's Ted's birthday and everyone's forgotten the important date! How do the friends save the da...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Pip has a problem. Tab promised to make lunch for the big picnic. But when Pip arrives, nothing...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When things begin to disappear, the friends want to know who is responsible. Can they forgive t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Bun loves to wear hats. She's very creative. But when she hears her friends make fun of her hat...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Sox can't wait for the big race. But Tab decides to run in the race and asks Sox to help him tr...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Every day the blue jays find a way to bother Ted. Will these bully birds keep Ted inside or wil...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The friends find a treasure that doesn't belong to them. Should they keep it? Or should they tr...Nana teaches Nino that the best birthday gift doesn't come in a box.
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
It's the day of the big show. How will the judges decide who is top dog?Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Oscar goes off on his own, his sister decides to teach him a lesson.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Ocho is the best at helping others. But who will help him when he needs it?Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Cleto Castor learns a painful lesson about keeping his teeth healthy.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When four friends head off to the park, careful planning rules the day.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
He snarls and snaps at everyone in the yard! But will Bulldog back down or bark back when confr...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Dog is down on Cat's plans, will Cat give up or keep after her dream?Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Carmela and Camilo have a big surprise planned for Mateo. Will he learn that manners matter?Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Greñas is having it rough until two sly cats teach him new tricks.Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The fall season can be truly amazing with colorful leaves in big soft piles, Halloween pumpkins...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Winter is the time for bundling up, playing in the snow with a new snowman friend. And catching...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Suddenly the Earth warms up from a long winter nap. Green appears all around. Nature comes aliv...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The warm summer sun means time for a splashing good time. Picnics with friends and family, sand...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Low-level biographies introduce young readers to the lives of key American leaders and their co...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Low-level biographies introduce young readers to the lives of key American leaders and their co...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Low-level biographies introduce young readers to the lives of key American leaders and their co...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Low-level biographies introduce young readers to the lives of key American leaders and their co...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Low-level biographies introduce young readers to the lives of key American leaders and their co...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Low-level biographies introduce young readers to the lives of k...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Low-level biographies introduce young readers to the lives of key American leaders and their co...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Low-level biographies introduce young readers to the lives of key American leaders and their co...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Low-level biographies introduce young readers to the lives of key American leaders and their co...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Offers readers a close-up look at choppers. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sidebars...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Offers readers a close-up look at dirt bikes. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sideba...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Offers readers a close-up look at dragsters. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sidebar...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Offers readers a close-up look at hot rods. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sidebars...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Offers readers a close-up look at Indy cars. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sidebar...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Offers readers a close-up look at sports cars. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sideb...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Offers readers a close-up look at stock cars. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sideba...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Explores the fascinating world of 3D printing. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sideb...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Explores the fascinating world of apps. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sidebars, an...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Explores the fascinating world of coding. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sidebars, ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Explores the fascinating world of drones. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sidebars, ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Explores the fascinating world of online gaming. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sid...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Explores the fascinating world of robots. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, sidebars, ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Explores the fascinating world of smart technology. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts, ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Explores the fascinating world of social networking. With colorful spreads featuring fun facts,...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When her father goes soldiering for a year, a girl decides that without Dad at home, it's not a...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Captain Whitney Black McKee is a rowdy pirate! After traveling the seven seas and fighting sea ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Wisdom, the Midway Albatross—the oldest bird in the world—hatched a new chick in 20...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
WHAT MAKES A CANDLE BURN? Solid wax is somehow changed into light and heat. But how? Travel bac...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When the head of a Buddhist monastery decides to pick a successor, he sends the young monks out...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The first African American woman to travel in space, Mae Jemison has broken barriers in science...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When doctors told her parents that she may never walk again, no one could have imagined that Wi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When separated from his fellow scientists on the ice in the Arctic, Joe must learn how to survi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Students will love learning about the way of life of wolves and the challenges they face as bab...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Students will love learning about the way of life of foxes and the challenges they face as babi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
One day after school, Rumpelstiltskin makes a surprise appearance in front of a young school gi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Zak and his family are off for a vacation to the trailer park and Zak has brought his new metal...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
There is trouble brewing on Scarytops Mountain. The Dragons are trying to outscare the Dinos&md...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Princess Reverie never stops daydreaming about meeting her Prince Charming. But she just can't ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
On Jack's birthday he makes a wish and gets a super power! Everything he touches turns into a d...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Bill Brady is tired of feeling left out by his talented classmates. So, one day he boasts that ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The Big Bad Wolf is hungry, but he just can't get near the three Little Pigs. One night he has a wi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The Plankton Pirates have been so busy working that they need a vacation! Bored of their tropic...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Farmer Marchant gets a shock when he discovers pirates are stealing his COWS! What on Earth do ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this version of the classic fairy tale, the shepherd boy who cried "wolf" is watching a herd...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Cinderella's fairy godmother grants her wish to go to the ball. She meets the prince—but ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The baker gets a huge shock when the giant pancake he is making leaps off the frying pan and ro...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Jack is very poor but an expert at making bean pies. One day he meets a very hungry giant, who,...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A fabulous retelling of the Ugly Duckling in which a family of ducklings are all born a little ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The Three Little Pigs are terrified when they find out who their new neighbor is! They have met...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic fairy tale, retold with a twist, Hansel and Gretel are eat a lot of junk food a...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic fairy tale, retold with a twist, meet three fashionista goats. They love all th...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic fairy tale, retold with a twist, a funny little man with an unusual name appear...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic twist on the traditional fairy tale, meet Brownilocks the bear. She gets hungry...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic fairy tale, retold with a twist, Snow White has had enough! The dwarfs treat he...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A princess, bored with her princess duties and fancy clothes, longs for freedom and adventure. ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Hansel and Gretel went out to collect wood for their father, but they got lost in the forest. T...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The beast of Pea Castle was sad and lonely. He needed a kiss from a princess to turn him back i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Rapunzel is trapped in a high tower by a wicked troll. The three billy goats want to help her b...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From rickshaws and rowboats to camels and cargo ships, this dynamic title looks at the differen...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Everybody has a birthday, but not everyone celebrates it in the same way! In fact, there are ma...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From the transportation used to get to and from school to the subjects studied during class, th...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
People in communities around the world live in homes suited to their environment and natural re...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this innovative title, young readers learn what it means to be a citizen of the global commu...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Caring for Earth is everyone's job! Readers will discover some of the different ways they can h...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Children between the ages of 5-12 need between 10-11 hours of sleep a night. Unfortunately, man...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From crops, which are farmed, to seafood, which is caught, this informative book describes the ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Benjamin Franklin was the most famous American of his time. He was famous for being a businessm...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Siéntese con un niño a leer un Cuento De 5 Minutos de Flowerpot Press antes de dormir, a la hor...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Before Arthur became King and commanded a round table of knights, he was just a young squire wi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Food is the fuel that gives our bodies energy, builds bones and muscles, and helps keep us heal...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
With a focus on building health and nutrition literacy, this timely title gives readers the too...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From simple coverings in hot, dry places to thick layers that keep out the cold, this colorful ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Good mental health is as important as good physical health to our overall fitness. This importa...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Did you know that a Saguaro cactus can live for more than 200 years and grow as tall as 50 feet...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Why is fall the most appropriately named season? Readers will learn the answer to this question...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Many insects work together to survive. Engaging text and exciting images help give readers a cl...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From croaking frogs and quacking ducks to floating lily pads and buzzing dragonflies, ponds are...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Engaging photographs and informative text combine to support readers as they discover the wonde...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Tide pools form from water left on rocky shores when the tide withdraws. From seaweed and sea s...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Insects, like all living things, need a place to call home. In this fact-filled title, readers ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Vibrant photographs and descriptive text guide readers on an underwater journey through coastal...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This book investigates how our sense of sight works, how it helps keep us safe, and how we can ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From the sweet smell of cookies baking to the stinky smell of a skunk's spray, our sense of sme...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Taste buds on our tongue let us taste foods that are salty, sweet, sour, or bitter. This vibran...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Vivid photographs and engaging text combine to explain how insects grow and change. This inform...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Is it smooth or rough? Is it hot or cold? Is it sharp or dull? Our sense of touch helps us lear...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
People have learned a lot from animals and copied many of their ways of surviving. This interes...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This entertaining book shows how animals communicate to share information, attract mates, or sc...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Vibrant photographs and accessible text introduce young scientists to the concept of density. R...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Read the traditional nursery rhyme Five Little Monkeys first, then enjoy a fun new rhyme. Can y...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Read the traditional nursery rhyme Wheels on the Bus first, then enjoy a fun new rhyme. Can you...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about the world around them. It Gets Foggy offers answers ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about themselves. Poison Ivy Makes Me Itch offers answers ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Chameleons Change Color offers answers to t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Snakes Shed Their Skin offers answers to th...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Bats Sleep Upside Down offers answers to th...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Spiders Weave Webs offers answers to their ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about themselves. I Have a Belly Button offers answers to ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about themselves. I Get the Hiccups offers answers to thei...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about the world around them. Flowers Bloom offers answers ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this book, simple, age-appropriate text introduces readers to Brachiosaurus, from what it lo...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this book, simple, age-appropriate text introduces readers to the saber-toothed cat, from wh...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this book, simple, age-appropriate text introduces readers to Coelophysis, from what it look...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this book, simple, age-appropriate text introduces readers to Plateosaurus, from what it loo...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Readers are introduced to the many careers available at a hospital. Colorful sidebars encourage...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Readers are introduced to the many careers available at a restaurant. Colorful sidebars encoura...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Readers are introduced to the many careers available at a grocery store. Colorful sidebars enco...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Extraordinary Engineering series explains how important feats o...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Extraordinary Engineering series explains how important feats of en...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Extraordinary Engineering serie...The 21st Century Junior Library Extraordinary Engineering series explains how important feats of engineering are accomplished. Stadiums examines the engineering concepts that make these structures ...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Extraordinary Engineering series explains how important feats o...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Extraordinary Engineering series explains how important feats o...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Readers are introduced to the many careers available at a TV station. Colorful sidebars encoura...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Readers are introduced to the many careers available at a computer store. Colorful sidebars enc...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Readers are introduced to the many careers available at a zoo. Colorful sidebars encourage chil...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Extraordinary Engineering series explains how important feats o...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Readers are introduced to the many careers available at a post office. Colorful sidebars encour...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlig...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The 21st Century Junior Library Extraordinary Engineering series explains how important feats o...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the feeling of shyness. Students will develop word recognit...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the feeling of friendliness. Students will develop word rec...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the feeling of excitement. Students will develop word recog...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the feeling of sadness. Students will develop word recognit...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the feeling of joy. Students will develop word recognition ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about themselves. Tell Me Why I Talk in My Sleep offers an...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Tell Me Why Giraffes Have Long Necks offers...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about themselves. T...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about the world around them. Tell Me Why Leaves Change Col...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about themselves. Tell Me Why I Cry offers answers to thei...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Shiver River, Vampire Cave, Stove-Top Volcano, and a mysterious raven named Nevva Moore. . . . ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about the world around them. Tell Me Why We Have Earthquak...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Tell Me Why Penguins Can't Fly offers answe...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about the world around them. Tell Me Why I See Rainbows of...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Tell Me Why Zebras Have Stripes offers answ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Wanda llega a casa con un fabuloso libro de la biblioteca, ¡y Alberto daría cualquier cosa con ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about themselves. Tell Me Why I Can't Eat Peanuts offers a...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Tell Me Why Dolphins Breathe Air offers ans...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Tell Me Why Bears Hibernate offers answers ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about the world around them. Tell Me Why It Snows offers a...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about animals. Tell Me Why Camels Have Humps offers answer...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about the world around them. Tell Me Why I See Falling Sta...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about themselves. Tell Me Why I Get Sunburned offers answe...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Visit the Dentist! focuses on dentist visits while discussing steps children can take to practi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Practice Good Hygiene! focuses on hygiene skills while discussing steps children can take to pr...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Eat a Balanced Diet! focuses on nutrition while discussing steps children can take to practice ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In 1861, at the age of 37, Harriet Colfax took on the job of lighthouse keeper for the Michigan...Just after World War II, the people of McCall, Idaho, found themselves with a problem on their hands. McCall was a lovely resort community in Idaho's backcountry with mountain views, a sparkling la...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Apprenticed to a famous wizard, young Schnitzel is not known for his hard work. In fact, it's j...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When Jack and Ella come across a friendly--and talented!--lion ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Norbert is a pig with a dream. It doesn't matter if the other farm animals snicker behind his b...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the concept of seasonal changes in weather in the winter. S...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines how and why we plant gardens in spring. Students will devel...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines seasonal animal behaviors. Students will develop word recog...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the concept of seasonal changes in weather. Students will d...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Liftoff! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Liftoff! tit...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Liftoff! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Liftoff! tit...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the concept of seasonal changes in weather. Students will d...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines plants that blossom in spring. Students will develop word r...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Liftoff! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Liftoff! tit...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Liftoff! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Liftoff! tit...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Disaster! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Disaster! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines how seasonal changes in winter affect plants. Students will...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Disaster! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Disaster! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines how seasonal changes in summer affect plants. Students will...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Disaster! eShort is a single ch...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Level 1 guided reader that explains leaves' cycle of change during fall. Students will develop ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines seasonal animal behaviors in summer. Students will develop ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Stand Up! eShort is a single chapter ...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines activities people do when visiting the beach in summer. Stu...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Stand Up! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Stand Up! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Level 1 guided reader that explores the concept of seasonal changes in weather. Students will d...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines seasonal animal behaviors in winter. Students will develop ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines how people keep cool in summer weather. Students will devel...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Stand Up! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Stand Up! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader examines the activities of bees in summer. Students will develop wor...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader discusses human activities during seasonal change. Students will dev...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Power On! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Power On! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 1 guided reader explores the concept of seasonal changes in weather in the summer. S...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Power On! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Power On! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 3 book introduces and examines the different aspects of baseball. Students will deve...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Power On! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Power On! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 3 book introduces and examines the different aspects of foodball. Students will deve...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 3 book introduces and examines the different aspects of soccer. Students will develo...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Creatures eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urban ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This Level 3 book introduces and examines the different aspects of basketball. Students will de...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Creatures eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urban ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A routine ride in the backseat of his parents' car takes a fantastical turn when a young boy op...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Hauntings eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urban ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Hauntings eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urban ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Hauntings eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urban ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Hauntings eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urban ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Night 1 / My life is perfect. / I have a bowl full of seeds, a cozy pile of wood shavings, and ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Superstitions eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Ur...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Using a charming combination of poetry and prose, author Judy Young explains the bedtime habits...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Izzie just loves when her mama blows her kisses to catch. Smooch kisses, zig-zag kisses, and ev...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Superstitions eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Ur...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Close Encounters eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urb...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Close Encounters eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urb...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Ozzie loves to draw. Ozzie loves drawing and being an ar...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
At Seabreezy Library, things were just right. / Booklovers were cozy. The sky was blue-bright /...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Close Encounters eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins:...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Close Encounters eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins:...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Patience is a South African penguin. She is small at roughly 6 pounds and approximately 20 inch...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Forensics eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whodunnit:...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Have you seen an otter at play in the water? It's long and it's trim and it knows how to swim. ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Forensics eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whodunnit:...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
It's the first day of Zoo School and outgoing Amanda the Panda is ready. She's excited and can'...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Forensics eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whodunnit:...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
An easy format retelling of the classic fairy tale, Tom Thumb and the tiny boy's big adventures...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
An easy format retelling of the classic fairy tale, Three Little Pigs and how they work togethe...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Forensics eShort is a single chapter from t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Law Enforcement eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whod...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
An easy format retelling of the classic fairy tale, Billy Goats Gruff and how the goats trick a...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Law Enforcement eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whod...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Law Enforcement eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whod...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Law Enforcement eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whod...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Organized Crime eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whod...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
An easy format retelling of the classic fairy tale, Pinocchio; a puppet that becomes a real boy...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
An easy format retelling of the classic fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk and his trip up and ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Organized Crime eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whod...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
An easy format retelling of the classic fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood and the encounters s...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
An easy format retelling of the classic fairy tale, Cinderella and her trip to the ball. Newly ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Organized Crime eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whod...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Shows various types of animals at work and training as service, show and farm animals. Conclude...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Heists eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whodunnit: He...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Adventure of two children who travel to the moon, explore it and fly back in a rocket ship. Bea...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Heists eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whodunnit: He...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A brother and sister play outside after a big snowfall and find a little lost animal. Beautiful...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Tired of working alone, a little train jumps off the track in search of companionship and ends ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Heists eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whodunnit: He...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Whodunnit: Heists eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Whodunnit: He...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A child goes for a ride when her kite lifts her above the ground. From the air, she sees her ho...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Two friends explore a city by watching construction, riding the subway, going to a park, seeing...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy receives a new red play car for his birthday and shares riding in it with his friends. Be...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy with his pet dragon has fun playing pick-up hockey. This pre-primer book contains high-fr...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy meets his pet dragon after school to rake and jump in leaves, carve a pumpkin, and enjoy ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon go to see what will happen when the groundhog peeks out of his hole. T...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon spend a day at the carnival going on rides and playing different games...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon go exploring and have fun on a family camping trip. This pre-primer bo...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon go to story time and take out books from the library. This pre-primer ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon look at both the day and night skies. They learn about the sun, moon, ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon enjoy a summer day exploring nature at a nearby pond. They learn about...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon grow a garden. They learn about planting vegetables, what makes plants...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon explore the aquarium and the animal life that lives in water. They lea...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon learn how to read. Together they help each other read followed by a tr...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon feel mad when asked to do daily tasks. Together they learn to manage t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon enjoy activities that make them feel happy including; making new frien...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon visit the market and see all of the different types of fruits, vegetab...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon go on a class trip to the local fire house and learn about firefightin...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon spend a day participating in activities with the boy's father. Some of...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon make friends at the playground. Some of our most popular New Dear Drag...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A boy and his pet dragon play soccer with friends and learn that winning isn't everything. Some...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
When a mother puma, an attempt to steal a chicken, she is caught in a trap and dies. The search...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Most spiders spin a web and passively wait for prey to come to them. Jumping spiders, by contra...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Do you believe everything you read in the newspaper? Early in August 1937, a news flash came: a...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Ella's next door neighbor, Mr. Willis, is mean. She stays out of his way as much as possible. B...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
The Pirate Pie Ship is an exciting tale of tasty adventure on the high seas! Times are changing...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
George Washington was the first president of the United States. He was also a war hero who foug...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Little Red Hen knows something is wrong when she sees the bulldozers arrive on the farm! How ca...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Thumbelina dreams of being a model on the catwalk. She has big dreams of stardom…but not...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Disaster! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Disaster! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In a terrific twist on the original tale of The Gingerbread Man, follow the amazing Ninjabread ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Stand Up! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Stand Up! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
What happens when Sleeping Beauty really does sleep for a hundred years? She finds the world a ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Little Bad Riding Hood is off to see Granny carrying a very tasty basket of cakes. She escapes ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Flash Points: Power On! eShort is a single chapter from the full Flash Points: Power On! t...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic fairy tale, retold with a twist, the elves run a shoe store in Fairytale Land. ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Creatures eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urban ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Creatures eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Urban ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
A princess is horrified when a cranky, old king arrives at the palace intending to marry her. S...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic fairy tale, retold with a twist, Enrico Empery is known as "the Emperor" of soc...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic fairy tale, retold with a twist, the Prince of Pop is driving through the fores...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Superstitions eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Ur...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
In this classic fairy tale, retold with a twist, the Pied Piper has been asked to rid the town ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Rapunzel is trapped in a high tower by a wicked troll. The three billy goats want to help her b...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Children spend a lot of time at school—why not encourage them to find ways to make it the...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This empowering title will help readers discover that they have the ability to create positive ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Each Origins: Urban Legends: Superstitions eShort is a single chapter from the full Origins: Ur...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Read the traditional nursery rhyme Row, Row, Row Your Boat first, then enjoy a fun new rhyme. C...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Read the traditional nursery rhyme Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star first, then enjoy a fun new rhy...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
What materials will keep you dry on a rainy day? What materials will help you clean up a spill?...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Will a trip to the beach be a blast or a bummer when Miss Moo brings all the wrong things?Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This engaging title helps young scientists identify, compare, and contrast natural and human-ma...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This engaging title introduces readers to materials that are either hard or soft. Using familia...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures wh...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Different animals use their body parts in different ways to seek, find, and take in food. Acces...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From eating pests to being a source of food for other animals, insects play a vital role in the...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This fun title asks readers to think about how different...
Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
More than half of all the animals on Earth are insects. This informative overview title introdu...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This search-and-find book invites emergent readers to look for new vocabulary words and picture...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From a quiet whisper to a blaring siren, our ears keep us tuned in to the sounds around us. Thi...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From blending into their surroundings to biting and releasing stinky smells, this informative b...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From crawling and burrowing to jumping and swimming, insects move in many different ways! This ...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
This juicy book shows how some insects get the food they need to survive from plants, while oth...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Summer is the warmest season with the most hours of daylight. Readers will learn these and othe...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Warmer temperatures, budding plants, and baby animals are just some of the signs that spring is...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Sixty minutes of exercise a day is a habit children should get into at an early age. Not only d...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Research suggests that children who develop locomotor, balance, and manipulative skills at a yo...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it i...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
From the sunlit-filled canopy to the shaded forest floor, readers will discover how a rainfores...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Content-rich photographs and accessible text combine to guide readers as they discover the ofte...Read Along or Enhanced eBook:
Young children are naturally curious about the world around them. We Have Hurricanes offers answers...