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Ali Baba, or the Forty Thieves


Sai ePublications
December 9, 2015

Book Details

In a town of Persia lived two brothers, sons of a poor man; one named Cassim, the other Ali Baba. Cassim, the elder, married a wife with a considerable fortune, and lived at his ease; but the wife of Ali Baba was as poor as himself: they dwelt in a mean cottage in the suburbs, and he maintained his family by cutting wood. Ali Baba was in the forest preparing to load his asses with the faggots he had cut, when he saw a troop of horsemen approaching. He hastily climbed a large thick tree, and hid himself among the branches. Ali Baba counted forty of them; each took a loaded portmanteau from his horse, and turning to the rock, said, "Open, Sesame;" immediately a door opened, the robbers passed in, when the door shut of itself. In a short time the door opened again, and the robbers came out, who said, "Shut, Sesame." The door instantly closed. Ali Baba ventured down, and approaching the rock, said, "Open, Sesame." Immediately the door flew open.

Author Description

Ali Baba is a character from the folk tale Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. This story is included in many versions of the One Thousand and One Nights, to which it was added by Antoine Galland in the 18th century.

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