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Verslawende Bloed: Bloedgebonde Boek 11


September 21, 2023

Book Details

Michael vind dat die bloed van magtige onsterflikes soms nie meng nie, selfs wanneer hulle sielsgenote is en in die hitte van passie is. 'n Paringsmerk is 'n simbool van besit, maar vir Michael is daardie klein smaak van bloed sy ondergang. Die bloed van die Gevalle is bedrieglik verleidelik vir 'n Songod en die kragtige stormloop wat Michael ontvang, is baie verslawend. Om Aurora teen homself te beskerm, begin Michael om die kragtigste demone in die stad te jag om sy donker drang te bevredig. Soos die swart bloed binne sy are pols, verloor Michael homself aan die stormloop en word net so gevaarlik soos die demone wat hy jag.

Author Description

Amy Blankenship, wife and mother of three, resides in North Carolina. She's always had the urge to write. After she realized there were stories that needed to be told, Amy decided to start bringing her dreams into reality. Inspired by her love of romance novels and anime, Amy has combined her two favorite pass times in order to bring her stories of romance, fantasy, and the paranormal to life. Be sure to register as a member of Amy's website amyblankenship.webs.com.

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