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Umhlahlandlela Wokuphumelela Kokuzimela Kwi Inthanethi


November 25, 2022

Book Details

Zimisele njengomsebenzi ozimele okhokhelwayo futhi uzuze amakhasimende amakhulu alambele izinsiza zakho! Ngaphakathi kwale incwadi ekwi inthanethi, uzothola imininingwane eyengeziwe mayelana nokusebenza ngokuzimela ekhulwini lama-21, indlela yokuziphilisa, izinzuzo ezipholile zokusebenza ngokuzimele, indlela yokungena ebhizinisini lamahhala, lapho ungabheka khona amakhasimende ngobuningi, thola izindawo zokucasha namachibi amakhulu amathemba aqondisiwe abhekile afuna izinsiza zochwepheshe kuwena, kanye nokuthi ukusebenza ngokuzimela kuyindlela okufanele uhambe ngayo.

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