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Il Cimitero Sulla Collina


January 12, 2023

Book Details

Una storia di fantasmi, ma diversa dal solito. Due giovani cugini intraprendono un'avventura, piena di racconti, ottimo cibo e fantasmi. I battiti accelerano e gli animi si infiammano non appena sentono strani rumori fuori dalla loro tenda. Cos'è che vaga per i boschi, disturba il loro luogo sacro e minaccia la loro sicurezza? Sopravviveranno per riuscire a vedere di nuovo il sorgere del sole?Segui i ragazzi in un viaggio di scoperte dove impareranno che non tutto è come sembra.Breve storia bonus inclusa: "Un Maledetto Idiota".

Author Description

Ian King was born and raised on an island in the Pacific. It was there he developed a passion for sport.

As an athlete preparation coach he commenced his coaching career in 1980 and during the last 4 decades has worked with thousands of elite athlete in over 30 different sports and in over 20 different countries, through the last 10 Olympic cycles has helped athletes exceed their potential in over 30 different sports t the elite level in over 20 different countries. This experience has provided a rare and ideal opportunity to develop successful physical preparation methods applicable to the multi-year development of the athlete.

As a company director Ian established King Sports International in 1986, as one of the world's first commercial professional service providers providing concurrent services in athlete preparation for elite athletes and coach education for both physical preparation coaches as well as sports coaches.

As an author Ian has published over 30 books, DVDs and audio programs, as well as hundreds of hours of video footage available to coaches in the KSI Coaching program.

As a coach educator Ian began teaching strength training to the alumni at the University of Queensland. In the mid 1980s he wrote and delivered Australia's first state based fitness industry strength certification course. In the late 1980s Ian took on the role of State Director and National Executive Director for the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA).

In 1999 Ian started one of the worlds first global online physical preparation coaching programs, which is still running today.

Ian's vision is that every athlete should be given the opportunity to fulfill their sporting potential, free from injury.

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