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The Secret Life After Her & Her


eBooks2go, Inc.
July 16, 2019

Book Details

Sex, pleasure, love. Jessica adored all these facets of life and the good things they had to offer. She was a free spirit who cherished all the pleasures she could immerse herself in. A fine, sexy and intelligent individual, Jessica was one who had an open heart, loving deeply, and was willing to delve into new things. Follow Jessica's journey as she experiences affection, sexuality, pain, betrayal, and a myriad of emotional experiences with different people while searching for true love and its meaning.

Author Description

Natasha is a writer and author with a flair for helping broken relationships. A New York born, she is the oldest of two siblings, all of whom were raised by their single parent. She is a Psychology student and a medical field employee. Her inspiration comes from the people around her; most especially the ones going through difficult times in their relationships. She believes that for one to be loved they have to first love themselves and see themselves as special; that one has to know their self-worth in whatever relationship they find themselves in. Her book aims to help people discover that self-worth, teaching them that, no matter what, there is always someone out there for everyone and that love starts from within. She writes with the aim to help broken relationships, marriages, and to set them on the right path before it's too late. With a keen skill of observance and a sensitivity to people in emotional need, Natasha found herself thinking of ways to help them and make them feel better about themselves, to not beat themselves up, and so her book was born. There will be more books to come.

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