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Rest to Recharge: A Story about the Importance of Sleep


Boys Town Press
November 23, 2022

Book Details

Gabe is a night owl, who pays the price every morning. He stays up way past bedtime, and this lack of sleep is taking a toll. Gabe nods off during class, plays soccer like a slug, and acts like a big old grouch. He's exhausted! So why doesn't he rest? Because he thinks sleep is a waste of time! Fortunately for Gabe, his mom and a talking alarm clock offer a plan and lots of encouragement to help him get-much needed shuteye. But is Gabe willing to follow the plan, or will he choose more sleepless nights and exhausted days? Rest to Recharges a light-hearted tale about the power of sleep to energize and rejuvenate the body and the mind!

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