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Party Style: Kids' Parties from Baby to Sweet 16


March 2, 2023

Book Details

Party in style!Enjoy easy entertaining! Filled with DIY decoration ideas and tons of time-saving tips, this book lets you create one-of-a-kind events that your guests will never forget.Try these crowd-pleasing treats at your next gathering.- Crazy Cotton Candy Dip- Bacon Burger on a Stick- Lasagna in a Jar- Grilled Cheese Station- Noah's Horchata
This book is like your own personal party planner with quizzes, timelines, checklists, sample menus, and decorative crafts. Perfect for parents, teachers, and teens! No matter how big or small your soireÃÅe, Party Style makes it easy to create the celebration of your dreams for all your friends and family to enjoy.

Author Description

Gemma resides in Newport Beach, California, with her daughter, Hannah, her son, Noah, and a sweet little terrier named London. Gemma started out as a floral designer for her company in 1999 and later transitioned into interior design. As others noticed her talent for all things creative, she was given amazing opportunities to design some of Hollywood's finest nurseries and playrooms. Gemma started blogging in 2013 and has gained readership and fans through her monthly newsletter, her weekly blog post, and party sharing. Gemma has styled countless celebrations for celebrity clients, everyday style seekers, and even her own friends' and family's parties, ranging from special events and theme parties to casual get-togethers. Gemma's style remains fresh, innovative, and inspiring to party-goers and party-throwers across the world. The near future plans for Gemma include writing new books (entertaining, party styling, and cookbooks) and designing a line of party goods to be sold nationwide.

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