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Parthur, the Story of an Orphaned Bobcat


Saguaro Books, LLC
May 28, 2020

Book Details

A young bobcat's mother is killed by a bounty hunter in southern Arizona, but her kitten is spared. Unable to maintain the small animal, the hunter gives the kitten to a young schoolteacher, Dawn Fritz, who is determined to raise him in a small apartment in Yuma, Arizona. The story twists and turns as one obstacle after another presents itself as Dawn struggles with the knowledge that Parthur is a wild animal and heeds to be returned to the wild.

Author Description

This story is based on the true story as experienced by the author, Dawn Fritz Hopkins. She graduated from the University of New Mexico in the spring of 1960. That fall she took a teaching job at Kofa High School in Yuma, Arizona, where she acquired Parthur. She taught there for two years and then took a teaching position with the United States Air Force at Laon Air Force Base, Laon, France. After one year in France, she moved to Germany and taught for one year at Sembach Air Force Base and three years at Ramstein Air Force Base. It was in Germany that she met her future husband, Edward (Ted) Hopkins, a fighter pilot in the Air Force. They were married in 1965 in the Air Force Chapel at Sembach, Germany. Her husband left the Air Force in 1967 to pursue a business career, and they returned to America to raise a family of three children, Mark, Scott and Paige. In the course of her husband's career, they lived in Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Arizona. His work allowed them to travel much of the world. Their favorite place, however, is London. Dawn is a calligraphy and has taught hundreds of students this beautiful art form. She also formed the Sonoran Speakers Club in Scottsdale, Arizona, and ran it for eleven seasons bringing speakers from all over the world to her audiences. Dawn and Ted are now retired and live in Edmond, Oklahoma.

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